# Overview:
The purpose of these Portraits is found here: Art of Aging Report
The process was...
RIchard Scholtz edited nineteen 90 min interviews to less than 8 minutes each and they are posted on YouTube.
Portrait paintings of each of these elders was added.
# Now:
Conceptual Model of Kerry and Marc's Research
TRY Arrows Tool
Kerry and I will put some of these into Descript, get the transcripts, select key variables, create a plausible causal loop diagrams (CLD).
> It is very difficult to get a YouTube file that can be placed into Descript, so... I will run YouTube with Descript listening to the audio.
We will then share with Richard and see to what use he thinks these pairings of stories and CLDs.
Here is a link to all of the interviews on YouTube
See Portrait of Maggie Weisberg for an example of a partially corrected interview from Descript .
YOUTUBE 7493LqR04Yg Portraits of Elder Maggie Weisberg on YouTube
**List of all interviews:** (in various states of analysis) Portrait of Maggie Weisberg Portrait Danita Washington Portrait Tommy Gibson Portrait Dan Raas Portrait Daljit Dhillon Portrait Margaret Dickson Portrait LeAna Osterman Portrait Sharon Wagner Portrait Joselyn Winslow Portrait Jack Lee Portrait Beth & Spencer Ahrens Portrait Teresa Garcia Portrait Jim Lortz Portrait Barbara McHugh Portrait Liz Baxter Portrait Sandy Stork Portrait Kay Sutcliffe Portrait Robin Dexter Portrait Dan Rowe