Edgar Morin was invited by the United Nations in 1998 to address the needs of education for the Future. He provided a profound set of seven critical responsibilities for education.
digraph { layout=dot rankdir=BT overlap=false concentrate=false bgcolor=lightblue // splines=" " node [shape=ellipse style=filled color=white] label=" \nMorin on Education\nfor The Future" "Principles of\nPertinent\nKnowledge" "Principles of\nPertinent\nKnowledge" -> { "Detect\nError &\nIllusion" "Confronting\nUncertainties"} "Teaching the\nHuman\nCondition" -> { "Earth\nIdentity" "Confronting\nUncertainties" "Understanding\nEach Other"} "Ethics for the\nHuman Genre" -> {"Principles of\nPertinent\nKnowledge" "Teaching the\nHuman\nCondition"} }
See Edgar Morin: Seven Complex Lessons in Education for the Future PDF
More on Edgar Morin.
Detect Error & Illusion Chapter I Principles of Pertinent Knowledge Chapter II Teaching the Human Condition Chapter III Earth Identity Chapter IV Confronting Uncertainties Chapter V Understanding Each Other Chapter VI Ethics of the Human Genre Chapter VII
YOUTUBE c9ddx6m_5Yw Teaching, as Jean-Jacques Rousseau said, must teach us how to live. Pupils or students must learn how to live in their society and world. Nevertheless, though the subjects taught contribute to individuals' professional lives, they often neglect their personal lives, their positions as members of a community, citizens and human beings in our present planetary era. On the one hand, the compartmentalization of discipline-based knowledge, in teaching and research, makes it impossible to tackle fundamental global problems. At the same time, knowledge of many vital problems facing our civilization is not taken into account. That is why, in his book Seven Complex Lessons in Education for the Future, Edgar Morin emphasizes the need to introduce all of these problems at all levels of education.
YOUTUBE oUfqZE-Ywts Dr. Edgar Morin, an eminent sociologist and philosopher, discusses his work on Seven Complex Lessons in Education for the Future, addressing themes related to knowledge, identity and shared global challenges.
YOUTUBE s3iw4NwdIa4 Brussels talk on Repairing the Future
The author takes sole responsibility for the ideas and opinions expressed herein, which do not necessarily reflect the views of UNESCO. Original title: Les sept savoirs necessaires a I’education du futur Published in November 1999 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - 7 place Fontenoy - 75352 Paris 07 SP - France 0 UNESCO 1999 EDP-99/W/3