# Chapter VI: Understanding each other
digraph { layout=dot rankdir=BT overlap=false concentrate=false bgcolor=lightblue1 // splines=" " node [shape=ellipse style=filled] label="\nUNDERSTANDING EACH OTHER\nEdgar Morin" "Human\nCommunication" [color=yellow] Understanding Misunderstanding [color=red fontcolor=white] "Reform of\nMentalities" "Mutual\nUnderstanding" [color=green1] "Understand\nMisunderstanding" [color=yellow] Sources [color=yellow] Modalities [color=yellow] Effects Racism [color=red fontcolor=white] Xenophobis [color=red fontcolor=white] Discrimination [color=red fontcolor=white] "Education\nfor Peace" [color=blue fontcolor=white] "Human\nCommunication" -> Understanding -> "Human\nCommunication" Effects -> {Racism Xenophobia Discrimination} -> "Understand\nMisunderstanding" "Mutual\nUnderstanding" -> "Education\nfor Peace" Misunderstanding -> Effects "Understand\nMisunderstanding" -> "Reform of\nMentalities" -> {"Education\nfor Peace" "Mutual\nUnderstanding" "Human\nCommunication"} Modalities -> Misunderstanding Sources -> Misunderstanding {Sources Modalities Effects Misunderstanding} ->"Understand\nMisunderstanding" -> Understanding -> "Mutual\nUnderstanding" }
>Understanding is both a means and an end of human communication. And yet we do not teach understanding. Our planet calls for mutual understanding in all directions. Given the importance of teaching understanding on all educational levels at all ages, the development of this quality requires a reform of mentalities. This should be the task of education for the future.
>Mutual understanding among human beings, whether near or far, is henceforth a vital necessity to carry human relations past the barbarian stage of misunderstanding.
>Therefore, misunderstanding must be studied in its sources, modalities, and effects. This is all the more necessary in that it bears on the causes instead of the symptoms of racism, xenophobia, discrimination. And improved understanding would form a solid base for the education-for-peace to which we are attached by foundation and vocation.