# Chapter IV: Earth identity
>The future of the human genre is now situated on a planetary scale. This is another essential reality neglected by education, that should become a major subject. Knowledge of current planetary developments that will undoubtedly accelerate in the 21st century, and recognition of our earth citizenship, will be indispensable for all of us.
digraph { layout=dot rankdir=BT overlap=false concentrate=false bgcolor=lightblue1 // splines=" " node [shape=ellipse style=filled] label="\nSHOW EARTH IDENTITY\nEdgar Morin" "Planetary\nScale" "Earth\nCitizenship" [color=yellow] "History of the\nPlanetary Era" "Oppression and\nDomination" [color=red fontcolor=white] "Configuration of\nPlanetary Crisis" "All Human Beings" [color=orange] "Same Fate" [color=orange] "History of the\nPlanetary Era" -> "Oppression and\nDomination" -> "Configuration of\nPlanetary Crisis" "History of the\nPlanetary Era" -> "Planetary\nScale" -> "Earth\nCitizenship" "Configuration of\nPlanetary Crisis" -> "Earth\nCitizenship" -> "All Human Beings" -> "Same Fate" }
>The history of the planetary era should be taught from its beginnings in the 16th century, when communication was established between all five continents. Without obscuring the ravages of oppression and domination in the past and present, we should show how all parts of the world have become interdependent.
>The complex configuration of planetary crisis] in the 20th century should be elucidated to show how all human beings now face the same life and death problems and share the same fate.