Mission Critical Functions

I share this to help us realize the scope of functions that are needed for neighborhoods to work at all.

Some of the labels are shortened for this graphic. The groupings are for convenience and clearly several could be grouped under different or multiple headings.

This is an approximation of the 26 Mission Critical Functions assembled by Global Resilience System These folks are available to do neighborhood or community assessments and produce detailed reports on neighborhood resilience.

# Critical Basic Needs ENERGY * [ ] Energy -- Temperature Management * [ ] Energy -- Electricity and Gas

digraph { layout=dot; overlap = false; splines=true rankdir=LR node [style=filled fillcolor=none, penwidth=5] edge [penwidth=5] "SOCIAL" -> "INFRASTRUCTURE" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "HEALTH" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "SAFETY" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "SOCIAL" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "ENERGY" "SOCIAL" -> "SAFETY" "SOCIAL" -> "HEALTH" "SOCIAL" -> "ENERGY" node [style=filled fillcolor=bisque, penwidth=1] edge [color=black style=solid penwidth=2] "SOCIAL" -> "Community\nCommons" "SOCIAL" -> "Social\nServices\nand\nCare" "SOCIAL" -> "Gov\nMgmt" "SOCIAL" -> "Education\nDevelopment" "SOCIAL" -> "Jobs" node [style=filled fillcolor=pink] "HEALTH" -> "Housing" "HEALTH" -> "Hygiene\nPrevention" "HEALTH" -> "Behavioral\nHealth" "HEALTH" -> "Medical\nServices" node [style=filled fillcolor=orange] "SAFETY" -> "Shelter\nEvacuation" "SAFETY" -> "Emergency\nManagement" "SAFETY" -> "Climate" "SAFETY" -> "Environment\n" "SAFETY" -> "Security" node [style=filled fillcolor=yellow] "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "Food" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "Water" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "Garbage" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "Sewer" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "Supply" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "Agriculture" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "Information" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "Communication" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "Transportation" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "Land" node [style=filled fillcolor=green, fontcolor=white] "ENERGY" -> "Net\nZero\nEnergy" "ENERGY" -> "Electric\nGas" "ENERGY" -> "Temperature" }

Applications * [ ] Energy -- Net Zero Energy * [x] Renewables * [ ] Microgrid Infrastructure