Critical Basic Needs


For thoughts on decision making and governing see Inventing Governing: Intro and six more pages.

It is a list (organized into a graph) which includes most (if not all things) that must work for people to create healthy and safe lives for themselves.

The rather complex graph below illustrates essential needs summarizes several things.

digraph G { #layout=twopi #node [fontsize=10] rankdir=LR subgraph {rank=same; Social; Energy; Infrastructure; Safety ;Health; } //subgraph {rank=same; "Local\nCommons\nCoops"; } //subgraph {rank=same; "Environment\nand Land"; Climate; EmergMgmt; ShelterEvacuate; NetZero; ElecGas; Supply; Water; Comm; Info; GovMgmt; "Environment\nand Land"; Climate; HygPrev; Psych; MedServ; Care; Transport; Sewer; Garbage; Agri; Food; Temp} "Critical \nBasic Needs" [shape=plaintext style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=black] "Critical \nBasic Needs" -> subgraph {Infrastructure Social Safety Health Energy} Energy [style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=red3] Safety [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] Social [style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=black] Health [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] Infrastructure [style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=black] Temp [style=filled fillcolor=lightgreen penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] ElecGas NetZero Comm Info Transport Agri [style=filled fillcolor=lightgreen penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] Supply Sewer Garbage Security [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] "Environment\nand Land" [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] Climate [style=filled fillcolor=lightgreen penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] EmergMgmt ShelterEvacuate [style=filled fillcolor=lightgreen penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] Jobs [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] //Jobs -> subgraph {rank=Same; Infrastructure Social Safety Health} //Jobs -> Infrastructure [style=dotted color=darkgreen penwidth=10] //Jobs -> Social [style=dotted color=darkgreen penwidth=10] //Jobs -> Safety [style=dotted color=darkgreen penwidth=10] //Jobs -> Health [style=dotted color=darkgreen penwidth=10] //Jobs -> Energy [style=dotted color=darkgreen penwidth=10] GovMgmt EduDev [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] Care [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] HygPrev [style=filled fillcolor=lightgreen penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] Psych MedServ Water [style=filled fillcolor=lightgreen penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] Food [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] //"Local\nCommons\nCoops" [style=filled fillcolor=yellow penwidth=5 color=blue] //"Local\nCommons\nCoops" -> subgraph {Food EduDev Care Security Health Jobs Safety Water Agri ElecGas MedServ Garbage Transport Comm "Environment\nand Land"} [style=dotted color=blue penwidth=5] Safety -> subgraph {Security "Environment\nand Land" Climate EmergMgmt ShelterEvacuate } Social -> subgraph {Jobs Care GovMgmt EduDev} Energy -> subgraph {Temp ElecGas NetZero} Health -> subgraph {HygPrev Psych MedServ} Infrastructure -> subgraph {Water Food Comm Info Transport Agri Supply Sewer Garbage} //Agri -> Food //Water -> Food //Water -> Agri //ElecGas -> Infrastructure }

There are five useful Super Categories: Energy, Infrastructure, Social, Safety, and Health. Of course these are more or less arbitrary. Feel free to create your own. But a list of 26 is too large for me.

digraph G { rankdir=BT subgraph {rank=same; Social; Energy; Infrastructure; Safety ;Health; } //subgraph {rank=same; "Local\nCommons\nCoops"; } //subgraph {rank=same; "Environment\nand Land"; Climate; EmergMgmt; ShelterEvacuate; NetZero; ElecGas; Supply; Water; Comm; Info; GovMgmt; "Environment\nand Land"; Climate; HygPrev; Psych; MedServ; Care; Transport; Sewer; Garbage; Agri; Food; Temp} "Critical \nBasic Needs" [shape=plaintext style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=black] "Critical \nBasic Needs" -> subgraph {Infrastructure Social Safety Health Energy} Energy [style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=red3] Safety [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] Social [style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=black] Health [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] Infrastructure [style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=black] //Temp [style=filled fillcolor=lightgreen penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] //ElecGas //NetZero //Comm //Info //Transport //Agri [style=filled fillcolor=lightgreen penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] //Supply //Sewer //Garbage //Security [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] //"Environment\nand Land" [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] //Climate [style=filled fillcolor=lightgreen penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] //EmergMgmt //ShelterEvacuate [style=filled fillcolor=lightgreen penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] //Jobs [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] //Jobs -> subgraph {rank=Same; Infrastructure Social Safety Health} //Jobs -> Infrastructure [style=dotted color=darkgreen penwidth=10] //Jobs -> Social [style=dotted color=darkgreen penwidth=10] //Jobs -> Safety [style=dotted color=darkgreen penwidth=10] //Jobs -> Health [style=dotted color=darkgreen penwidth=10] //Jobs -> Energy [style=dotted color=darkgreen penwidth=10] //GovMgmt //EduDev [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] //Care [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] //HygPrev [style=filled fillcolor=lightgreen penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] //Psych //MedServ //Water [style=filled fillcolor=lightgreen penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] //Food [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] //"Local\nCommons\nCoops" [style=filled fillcolor=yellow penwidth=5 color=blue] //"Local\nCommons\nCoops" -> subgraph {Food EduDev Care Security Health Jobs Safety Water Agri ElecGas MedServ Garbage Transport Comm "Environment\nand Land"} [style=dotted color=blue penwidth=5] //Safety -> subgraph {Security "Environment\nand Land" Climate EmergMgmt ShelterEvacuate } //Social -> subgraph {Jobs Care GovMgmt EduDev} //Energy -> subgraph {Temp ElecGas NetZero} //Health -> subgraph {HygPrev Psych MedServ} //Infrastructure -> subgraph {Water Food Comm Info Transport Agri Supply Sewer Garbage} //Agri -> Food //Water -> Food //Water -> Agri //ElecGas -> Infrastructure }

There are a few functions that neighborhoods can sometimes produce better and cheaper than households or municipalities. These Neighborhood Functions are noted by green outlined square boxes with red backgrounds. These functions include Environment & Land, Safety and Security, Food, Jobs, Education and Development of children, Care, and Health.

digraph { rankdir=LR node [style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=green] "Neighborhood\nFunctions" "Dev\nChild\nWellbeing" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] Food Safety "Environment\nLand" Health Care "Economy\nWork" "Neighborhood\nFunctions" -> "Dev\nChild\nWellbeing" [style=filled penwidth=3 color=red] "Neighborhood\nFunctions" -> Food "Neighborhood\nFunctions" -> Safety "Neighborhood\nFunctions" -> "Environment\nLand" "Neighborhood\nFunctions" -> Health "Neighborhood\nFunctions" -> Care "Neighborhood\nFunctions" -> "Economy\nWork" Food -> "Dev\nChild\nWellbeing" Safety -> "Dev\nChild\nWellbeing" "Environment\nLand" -> "Dev\nChild\nWellbeing" Health -> "Dev\nChild\nWellbeing" Care -> "Dev\nChild\nWellbeing" "Economy\nWork" -> "Dev\nChild\nWellbeing" "Dev\nChild\nWellbeing" -> "Neighborhood\nFunctions" [style=filled penwidth=3 color=green] }

The dark green ellipses highlight functions that are of direct Ecological Functions.

digraph G { rankdir=LR subgraph {rank=same; Social; Energy; Infrastructure; Safety ;Health; } subgraph {rank=same; "Local\nCommons\nCoops"; } subgraph {rank=same; "Environment\nand Land"; Climate; EmergMgmt; ShelterEvacuate; NetZero; ElecGas; Supply; Water; Comm; Info; GovMgmt; "Environment\nand Land"; Climate; HygPrev; Psych; MedServ; Care; Transport;Sewer;Garbage;Agri;Food;Temp} "Critical \nBasic Needs" [shape=plaintext style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=black] "Critical \nBasic Needs" -> Infrastructure "Critical \nBasic Needs" -> Social "Critical \nBasic Needs" -> Safety "Critical \nBasic Needs" -> Health "Critical \nBasic Needs" -> Energy Energy [style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=red3] Safety [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] Social [style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=black] Health [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] Infrastructure [style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=black] Temp [style=filled fillcolor=lightgreen penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] ElecGas NetZero Energy -> Temp Energy -> ElecGas Energy -> NetZero Security [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] "Environment\nand Land" [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] Climate [style=filled fillcolor=lightgreen penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] EmergMgmt ShelterEvacuate [style=filled fillcolor=lightgreen penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] Safety -> Security Safety -> "Environment\nand Land" Safety -> Climate Safety -> EmergMgmt Safety -> ShelterEvacuate Care [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] "Local\nCommons\nCoops" "Local\nCommons\nCoops" [style=filled fillcolor=yellow penwidth=5 color=blue] Jobs [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] GovMgmt EduDev [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] Social -> Care Social -> "Local\nCommons\nCoops" Social -> Jobs Social -> GovMgmt Social -> EduDev HygPrev [style=filled fillcolor=lightgreen penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] Psych MedServ Health -> HygPrev Health -> Psych Health -> MedServ Water [style=filled fillcolor=lightgreen penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] Food [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] Comm Info Transport Agri [style=filled fillcolor=lightgreen penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] Supply Sewer Garbage Infrastructure -> Water Infrastructure -> Food Infrastructure -> Comm Infrastructure -> Info Infrastructure -> Transport Infrastructure -> Agri Infrastructure -> Supply Infrastructure -> Sewer Infrastructure -> Garbage "Local\nCommons\nCoops" -> Food [style=dotted color=blue penwidth=5] "Local\nCommons\nCoops" -> EduDev [style=dotted color=blue penwidth=5] "Local\nCommons\nCoops" -> Care [style=dotted color=blue penwidth=5] "Local\nCommons\nCoops" -> Security [style=dotted color=blue penwidth=5] "Local\nCommons\nCoops" -> Health [style=dotted color=blue penwidth=5] "Local\nCommons\nCoops" -> Jobs [style=dotted color=blue penwidth=5] "Local\nCommons\nCoops" -> Safety [style=dotted color=blue penwidth=5] "Local\nCommons\nCoops" -> Water [style=dotted color=blue penwidth=5] "Local\nCommons\nCoops" -> Agri [style=dotted color=blue penwidth=5] "Local\nCommons\nCoops" -> ElecGas [style=dotted color=blue penwidth=5] "Local\nCommons\nCoops" -> MedServ [style=dotted color=blue penwidth=5] "Local\nCommons\nCoops" -> Garbage [style=dotted color=blue penwidth=5] "Local\nCommons\nCoops" -> Transport [style=dotted color=blue penwidth=5] "Local\nCommons\nCoops" -> Comm [style=dotted color=blue penwidth=5] "Local\nCommons\nCoops" -> "Environment\nand Land" [style=dotted color=blue penwidth=5] Agri -> Food Water -> Food Water -> Agri ElecGas -> Infrastructure Jobs -> Infrastructure [style=dotted color=darkgreen penwidth=10] Jobs -> Social [style=dotted color=darkgreen penwidth=10] Jobs -> Safety [style=dotted color=darkgreen penwidth=10] Jobs -> Health [style=dotted color=darkgreen penwidth=10] }

There are some things that can be made robust against external change and economic swings. These are connected to the yellow ellipse Local-Commons-Coops. Of course one can buy these services from external sources rather than produce them within the neighborhood. The money spent tends to leave the community leaving it poorer than it would have been if locally produced.

And finally, local people can have Jobs providing all the services associated with Infrastructure, Social, Safety, and Health. The wealth produced by these jobs circulates in the neighborhood creating a vibrant Local Economy rather than having the wealth extracted for the benefit of distant corporations and financial institutions.

ENERGY * [ ] Energy -- Temperature Management * [ ] Energy -- Electricity and Gas

Applications * [ ] Net Zero Energy * [ ] Renewables * [ ] Microgrid Infrastructure

DOT strict digraph rankdir=LR node [shape=box style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=lightyellow penwidth=3 color=black] HERE NODE node [style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] edge [style=solid penwidth=1 color=black] BACKLINKS NODE -> HERE node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=1 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=1 color=grey] HERE BACKLINKS NODE -> HERE STATIC strict digraph {rankdir=LR node [shape=box style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=lightyellow penwidth=3 color=black]