Inventing Governing: Intro

# Inventing Governing

VIMEO 512788889 Introductory comments


To open the entire presentation lineup ("seven slides") click here .

Governing is decision-making for groups.

> Governing is a broader concept than governments. Governments encompass to groups of particular people, in particular places, and particular situations.

Perhaps with better conceptions of governing we will do less force-fitting-of-people into structures and more design-of-social-structures to fit the ongoing conversations and decision-making of people.

This fitting of structures to particularities needed for particular decisions is what Elinor Ostrom termed polycentric governance. We must everyday ask, **which group or coalition of groups is capable of crafting the best approach to each problem**.

We must stop dropping problems into incapable slots of our fossilized governments. Every day we must **design government** to best fit the problems at hand--based upon the needs of all stakeholders.

Our current structures and processes of government were built when communication modes and rates depended on horses.

Today we must use communication technology to **enact polycentric decision-making**; always learning as we go along.

I am trying to change my language from "government" to "governing" and "governance". Governing must be active and adaptive, not strictly algorithmic nor a from of rote bureaucracy.


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