Learning Graphviz

digraph {rankdir=LR node [style=filled] "Marc Pierson" [label="Marc\nPierson" fillcolor=lightblue] "Lola Pierson"[label="Lola\nPierson"fillcolor=yellow] "Sofia Pierson" [label="Sofia\nPierson" fillcolor=lightgreen] "Isabella Pierson" [label="Isabella\nPierson" fillcolor=red] "Marc Pierson"->"Lola Pierson" "Marc Pierson"->"Isabella Pierson" "Marc Pierson"->"Sofia Pierson" }

Graphviz Website

Graphviz Online Website

Drawing Graphs with dot. PDF

Cool Dot+ online programming tool Web .

Paradigms, People, Processes, Particulars is an sandbox for me as I learn to use Graphviz in FedWiki.

I will begin to transpose some of the community graphs into Graphviz. The Whatcom County Incarceration System will be one. A representation of Washington State Health System Improvement Plan by the Health Care Authority plan as a system linkage map will be another. Carl's Columbia Valley community will be another. I must say it is exciting to be at the point that I can begin to do this work, no matter how rudimentary my beginning efforts! I will also attempt to represent a County Health Improvement Plan in Graphviz and FedWiki, as every county in the US has to produce these every few years. A more generic and abstract Graphviz graph that I want to create is Stafford Beer's Viable System Model (with user modifiable labels) a generic Homeostat with user definable labels and comparator values.

Can we allow FedWiki Writing to Neo4j from? If so can we control it?

Can Ward and Marc set up a FedWiki-Neo4j Test Platform?

The amazing promise is to be able to have a graph make a database call (to Neo4j) and return a relevant graph with appended data (properties).

The Graphviz layout programs take descriptions of graphs in a simple text language, and make diagrams in useful formats, such as images and SVG for web pages; PDF or Postscript for inclusion in other documents; or display in an interactive graph browser. Graphviz has many useful features for concrete diagrams, such as options for colors, fonts, tabular node layouts, line styles, hyperlinks, and custom shapes.

Is it useful to install Graphviz on my personal computer (2019 MacBook Pro)? If so how do I proceed from here: macports.org ?

Here is the Documentation Site .

Here is a Graphviz plugin at work. Play with it. Double click to see the script and change it.

digraph { "Welcome Visitors"->"Recent Changes" "Welcome Visitors"->"Local Changes" }

# Place the cursor inside "graph" to get some refactoring options digraph { rankdir=LR # To refactor nodes, place the cursor left to a node name a -> b b -> c; c -> d; d -> a; # Hover over color names to get a color picker # Get completion when assigning a shape or color a; # You can remove optional ; by placing the cursor left to a semicolon }