
See Homeostasis A homeostat is a special kind of paired feedback loop. Two things are special 1) there is the embedded information on the limits of viability for the looped system and 2) the ability exists for action based on that information (making it knowledge). The homeostat has the effect of keeping the looped system within sustainable limits: Viability.

The embedded Comparator is the magic in the mechanism.

This is very different from the usual System Dynamics Modeling with its linked positive and negative feedback loops. I have little doubt that one could model a homeostat with Vensim (system dynamics model software). However, the humble homeostat should be built into the software, use only requiring parameterization.

# A Homeostat Pattern would include: * Communication Channels * High Variety Domain * Low Variety Domain * Attenuators * Amplifiers * Comparator * Viability parameters * Translatory-Transducers * Sensors * Effectors * Capability to modify any of these parts/functions