eSyntegration 2021

>Opening Question >What are we doing? Experiencing E Syn 2030 protocol for creating a collective answer to the Opening Question: >“How can Metaphorum and its members capture the learning from the current crisis, and best contribute in radical shifts that society have to make quickly?”

digraph { layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=false //bgcolor=lightblue // splines=" " node [shape=box style=rounded] label="\nHow can Metaphorum and its members\ncapture the learning from the current crisis,\nand best contribute in radical shifts that society have to make quickly?" "Not the Focus\nof this\nSyntegration" -> "Syntegration\nExperiment" "Syntegration\nTopic" -> "Primary\nFocus" -> "How can Metaphorum and its members\ncapture the learning from the current crisis,\nand best contribute in radical shifts that\nsociety have to make quickly?" }

digraph { layout=dot rankdir=BT overlap=false concentrate=false //bgcolor=lightblue // splines=" " node [shape=box style=rounded] label="\nHow can Metaphorum and its members\ncapture the learning from the current crisis,\nand best contribute in radical shifts that society have to make quickly?" Understanding Language Humane Governance "Coherent\nActions" Citizenship "Public\nConversation" "Disolve\nDisputes" Adapt Scale Information Economics Economics -> {"Disolve\nDisputes" "Coherent\nActions"} Understanding -> {Economics Governance} {Humane Information Language} -> Understanding -> "Disolve\nDisputes" {Scale} -> Adapt "Public\nConversation" -> {"Understanding" Governance} Economics -> Governance -> "Coherent\nActions" Citizenship -> "Public\nConversation" Scale -> {Understanding "Disolve\nDisputes"} Governance -> {"Disolve\nDisputes" Adapt Economics} Citizenship -> {Governance Economics Scale Humane Language Information} {"Coherent\nActions" "Disolve\nDisputes"} -> Adapt }

Full definitions of above nodes.

digraph { layout=dot rankdir=BT overlap=false concentrate=false bgcolor=lightblue1 // splines=" " node [shape=box style=filled] label="\nHow can Metaphorum and its members\ncapture the learning from the current crisis,\nand best contribute in radical shifts that society have to make quickly?" Understanding [color=red] Language [color=black fontcolor=white ] Humane [color=orange] Governance [color=blue fontcolor=white] "Coherent\nActions" [color=green1 fontcolor=white] Citizenship [color=pink penwidth=3] "Public\nConversation" [color=grey fontcolor=white] "Dissolve\nDisputes" [color=ghostwhite ] Adapt [color=lightblue penwidth=3] Scale [color=brown fontcolor=white penwidth=2] Information [color=yellow3] Economics [color=purple fontcolor=white penwidth=2] Economics -> {"Dissolve\nDisputes" "Coherent\nActions" Governance} [color=purple penwidth=2] Understanding -> {Economics Governance "Dissolve\nDisputes"} [color=red penwidth=2] Humane -> Understanding [color=orange penwidth=2] Information -> Understanding [color=yellow3 penwidth=2] Language -> Understanding [color=black penwidth=2] "Public\nConversation" -> {"Understanding" Governance} [color=grey penwidth=2] Economics -> Adapt [color=purple penwidth=2] Governance -> {"Dissolve\nDisputes" "Coherent\nActions" "Dissolve\nDisputes" Economics} [color=blue penwidth=2] "Coherent\nActions" -> Adapt [color=green1 penwidth=2] "Dissolve\nDisputes" -> Adapt [color=ghostwhite penwidth=2] "Dissolve\nDisputes" -> "Coherent\nActions" [color=ghostwhite penwidth=2] Citizenship -> Humane [color=pink] Citizenship -> Scale [label="embodied at every" color=pink penwidth=2] Citizenship -> "Public\nConversation" [label=participation color=pink penwidth=2] Citizenship -> {Governance Economics} [label=controled color=pink penwidth=2] Citizenship -> Language [label=understandable color=pink penwidth=2] Citizenship -> Information [label=requisite color=pink penwidth=2] Scale -> "Dissolve\nDisputes" [label="requisite variety" color=brown fontcolor=brown penwidth=2] Scale -> Adapt [label="necessary for" color=brown fontcolor=brown penwidth=2] Scale -> Governance [label=recursive color=brown fontcolor=brown penwidth=2] Scale -> Understanding [label=demystifies color=brown fontcolor=brown penwidth=2] Scale -> Economics [label="local to global" color=brown fontcolor=brown penwidth=2] }

digraph { layout=dot rankdir=BT overlap=false concentrate=false //bgcolor=lightblue // splines=" " node [shape=box style=rounded] label="\nHow can Metaphorum and its members\ncapture the learning from the current crisis,\nand best contribute in radical shifts that society have to make quickly?" Metaphorum -> Members -> "Learn\nFrom" -> "Current\nCrsis" -> Society Members -> Contribute -> {Radical Quick }Society Radical -> Shift Quick -> Shift -> Society }

digraph { layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=false //bgcolor=lightblue // splines=" " node [shape=box style=rounded] label="\nHow can Metaphorum and its members\ncapture the learning from the current crisis,\nand best contribute in radical shifts that society have to make quickly?" "Environments\n(Contexts)" [color=red penwidth=5] "Current\nCrisis" [penwidth=5 color=red] Society [penwidth=5 color=red] "Current\nCrisis" -> Society [penwidth=5 color=red] Metaphorum -> Members -> "Learn\nFrom" -> "Current\nCrisis" "Current\nCrisis" -> {"Shift\nAmplify\nAttinuate\nReorganize"} Society Members -> Contribute -> {Radical Quick }Society Radical -> "Shift\nAmplify\nAttinuate\nReorganize" Quick -> "Shift\nAmplify\nAttinuate\nReorganize" "Shift\nAmplify\nAttinuate\nReorganize" -> {"Environments\n(Contexts)" Purposes Models Designs Cooperation Coordination Colaboration Audits Communications "Algedonic\nChannels" Recursions } -> Society [color=green3] }

1. Easily understood models of systems: Create (and normalize the use of) illustrations of systemic recursion so that levels with requisite variety are active and coordinated and in useful relationships with "higher" and "lower" recursions. 2. Easily understood language: Vernacularize VSM functions nomenclature. Translate all of into the local common language and experiences of each social system at each scale and location. 3. Supportive role: Current experts and consultants should become translators and designers of social methods and tool so that their knowledge and experience can scale far beyond the ability to know the recipients of your gifts. 4. Clear thinking about scale: Explore and understand the dynamics (rates of change) at each recursion, understanding that rates of change are typically slower at higher recursions, but with some possibility of wider scope (????). So if quickness is a gaol be sure it works cybernetically. 5. Local action: Especially, figure out how to better support people and their neighborhoods because they have huge variety (choices) that are absent at "higher, more abstract" recursions.

The current crisis is a monumental and perhaps timely gift--thank you COVID-19 for making the cause and consequences of massive interconnectivity visible to some.

Thanks for showing some that synchronized behavior change at global scale can make differences in greenhouse gas emissions.

Of course others just see opportunities for political gains and monetary gains.

My initial reaction to the "learning from the current crisis" portion of the question is that there is in principle nothing new or surprising about the current crisis. That does not mean that the current situation (scope, scale, place in history) does not present opportunities for effective action that were not present before.

"Radical" shifts can be radical in scale, scope, and politicality; or they can be radical in the sense of paradigmatically radical. Or both.

"Fast shifting" by society is an interesting idea. What may look like fast shifts in societal processes are usually the result of gradual build up of tensions that are suddenly released. So the whole process is not fast, just the climax or transition phase is fast compared to the build up phase.

That said, it does seem to me that young people, who will bear the brunt of the ecological, political, economic, and humanitarian catastrophe we have left them are ready for different approaches. I just hope that they can find/create models, methods and tools that fit the exponential scale, scope, and style of mess they and the earth are in.

Mechanical metaphors may be inappropriate and imply godlike power to actors, e.g. lever arms (Meadow's, Places to Intervene in a System). I like the metaphor of catalysts, where it is acknowledged that the process is already present and all that can be done is lower the threshold for particularly critical reactions that drive the system in one direction more than another. Of course that metaphor assumes controlled conditions with adequate reactants (reatgents) and a minimum of dampening agents. These conditions do not closely to match societies and societal processes.

I can only think of societies as massive graphs; albeit, with real issues of scaling. Subgraphs are critical to deal effectively with processes that fail at scale. Then we have the issue of interplay between subgraphs and how to structure the interplay. I want to avoid the pitfall of inadequate metaphors such as mechanics, chemistry, or anthropomorphic models. Society is not a large person, is it? Love may scale to a society and back to individuals and neighborhoods. Maybe Maturana is right. I hope so.

So maybe the question is how to liberate love from fear and opression, aware of inevitable difficulty? Engineering without massive love is unlikely improve society.