eSyn Reduced Topic Set

See graph at bottom of this page.

We created twelve topics and worked on them during the first eSyntegration 2021. Listening to the report outs and looking at the documents that are available, I suggest that we combine Citizenship, Language, Information, Public Conversation, and Understanding into one topic for ongoing development. Call this topic Connected Citizenship perhaps. This is a way to understand the culture and context for living together, making decisions together, and sharing.

I would combine Governance, Dissolve Disputes, Coherent Actions, and Adapt into another topic for ongoing development. For me this would be approached through the VSM framework with Mick Ashby's Ethical Regulator Theorem integrated. Perhaps name it Decision Making

Economics (how we share) would be the third topic for ongoing development. The economics of change and the change of economics is critical and it is a large set of interacting parts--mostly hidden or misunderstood.

Full definitions of above nodes.

digraph { layout=dot rankdir=BT overlap=false concentrate=false bgcolor=lightblue1 // splines=" " node [shape=box style=filled] label="\nHow can Metaphorum and its members\ncapture the learning from the current crisis,\nand best contribute in radical shifts that society have to make quickly?" Understanding [color=red] Language [color=black fontcolor=white ] Humane [color=orange] Governance [color=blue fontcolor=white] "Coherent\nActions" [color=green1 fontcolor=white] Citizenship [color=pink penwidth=3] "Public\nConversation" [color=grey fontcolor=white] "Dissolve\nDisputes" [color=ghostwhite ] Adapt [color=lightblue penwidth=3] Scale [color=brown fontcolor=white penwidth=2] Information [color=yellow3] Economics [color=purple fontcolor=white penwidth=2] Economics -> {"Dissolve\nDisputes" "Coherent\nActions" Governance} [color=purple penwidth=2] Understanding -> {Economics Governance "Dissolve\nDisputes"} [color=red penwidth=2] Humane -> Understanding [color=orange penwidth=2] Information -> Understanding [color=yellow3 penwidth=2] Language -> Understanding [color=black penwidth=2] "Public\nConversation" -> {"Understanding" Governance} [color=grey penwidth=2] Economics -> Adapt [color=purple penwidth=2] Governance -> {"Dissolve\nDisputes" "Coherent\nActions" "Dissolve\nDisputes" Economics} [color=blue penwidth=2] "Coherent\nActions" -> Adapt [color=green1 penwidth=2] "Dissolve\nDisputes" -> Adapt [color=ghostwhite penwidth=2] "Dissolve\nDisputes" -> "Coherent\nActions" [color=ghostwhite penwidth=2] Citizenship -> Humane [color=pink] Citizenship -> Scale [label="embodied at every" color=pink penwidth=2] Citizenship -> "Public\nConversation" [label=participation color=pink penwidth=2] Citizenship -> {Governance Economics} [label=controled color=pink penwidth=2] Citizenship -> Language [label=understandable color=pink penwidth=2] Citizenship -> Information [label=requisite color=pink penwidth=2] Scale -> "Dissolve\nDisputes" [label="requisite variety" color=brown fontcolor=brown penwidth=2] Scale -> Adapt [label="necessary for" color=brown fontcolor=brown penwidth=2] Scale -> Governance [label=recursive color=brown fontcolor=brown penwidth=2] Scale -> Understanding [label=demystifies color=brown fontcolor=brown penwidth=2] Scale -> Economics [label="local to global" color=brown fontcolor=brown penwidth=2] }

digraph { layout=dot rankdir=BT overlap=false concentrate=false bgcolor=lightblue1 // splines=" " node [shape=box style=filled] Citizenship [color=pink penwidth=3] "Public\nConversation" [color=grey fontcolor=white] Language [color=black fontcolor=white ] Information [color=yellow3] Humane [color=orange] Understanding [color=red] Governance [color=blue fontcolor=white] Scale [color=brown fontcolor=white penwidth=2] "Dissolve\nDisputes" [color=ghostwhite ] "Coherent\nActions" [color=green1 fontcolor=white] Adapt [color=lightblue penwidth=3] label="Citizen Sensemaking" subgraph cluster1 {Citizenship "Public\nConversation" Language Information Humane Understanding } label="Decision Making" subgraph cluster2 {Governance Scale "Dissolve\nDisputes" "Coherent\nActions" Adapt} label="\nHow can Metaphorum and its members\ncapture the learning from the current crisis,\nand best contribute in radical shifts that society have to make quickly?" Economics [color=purple fontcolor=white penwidth=2] Economics -> {"Dissolve\nDisputes" "Coherent\nActions" Governance} [color=purple penwidth=2] Understanding -> {Economics Governance "Dissolve\nDisputes"} [color=red penwidth=2] Humane -> Understanding [color=orange penwidth=2] Information -> Understanding [color=yellow3 penwidth=2] Language -> Understanding [color=black penwidth=2] "Public\nConversation" -> {"Understanding" Governance} [color=grey penwidth=2] Economics -> Adapt [color=purple penwidth=2] Governance -> {"Dissolve\nDisputes" "Coherent\nActions" "Dissolve\nDisputes" Economics} [color=blue penwidth=2] "Coherent\nActions" -> Adapt [color=green1 penwidth=2] "Dissolve\nDisputes" -> Adapt [color=ghostwhite penwidth=2] "Dissolve\nDisputes" -> "Coherent\nActions" [color=ghostwhite penwidth=2] Citizenship -> Humane [color=pink] Citizenship -> Scale [label="embodied at every" color=pink penwidth=2] Citizenship -> "Public\nConversation" [label=participation color=pink penwidth=2] Citizenship -> {Governance Economics} [label=controlled color=pink penwidth=2] Citizenship -> Language [label=understandable color=pink penwidth=2] Citizenship -> Information [label=requisite color=pink penwidth=2] Scale -> "Dissolve\nDisputes" [label="requisite variety" color=brown fontcolor=brown penwidth=2] Scale -> Adapt [label="necessary for" color=brown fontcolor=brown penwidth=2] Scale -> Governance [label=recursive color=brown fontcolor=brown penwidth=2] Scale -> Understanding [label=demystifies color=brown fontcolor=brown penwidth=2] Scale -> Economics [label="local to global" color=brown fontcolor=brown penwidth=2] }