
Whisp: Magic number five fits nicely into an icosahedron. Twelve topics, five participants, each participant involved in two topics. Each topic connected to five others through one participant.

digraph { layout=circo rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=false //bgcolor=lightblue // splines=" " node [shape=box style=rounded] label=" \nIcosahedron 12 Nodes (Topics) / 30 Edges (Participants)/ 5 Members per Node (Conversations)/ 2 Nodes per Member" "TOPIC 1" -> {"PERSON 1" "PERSON 2" "PERSON 3" "PERSON 4" "PERSON 5"} [color=red penwidth=5] #B -> {1 6 7 8 27} [color=orange penwidth=5] #C -> {2 6 29 11 12} [color="#eed200" penwidth=5] #D -> {3 7 10 18 14} [color="#fced42" penwidth=5] #E -> {4 10 15 16 28} [color=purple penwidth=5] #F -> {5 9 11 15 19} [color=lightblue penwidth=5] #G -> {13 16 17 14 30} [color=blue penwidth=5] #H -> {22 12 24 25 9} [color=green penwidth=5] #Ii -> {17 24 19 26 28} [color=brown penwidth=5] #J -> {8 13 18 20 21} [color=black penwidth=5] #K -> {22 27 23 20 29} [color=gray penwidth=5] #L -> {30 21 26 25 23} [color=violet penwidth=5] //node {[shape=circle] A B C D E F G H Ii J K L} "TOPIC 1" [shape=triangle style=filled color=red fontcolor=white] #B [shape=triangle style=filled color=orange] #C [shape=triangle style=filled color="#eed200"] #D [shape=triangle style=filled color="#fced42"] #E [shape=triangle style=filled color=purple fontcolor=white] #F [shape=triangle style=filled color=lightblue] #G [shape=triangle style=filled color=blue fontcolor=white] #H [shape=triangle style=filled color=green1] #Ii [shape=triangle style=filled color=brown fontcolor=white] #J [shape=triangle style=filled color=black fontcolor=white] #K [shape=triangle style=filled color=grey fontcolor=white ] #L [shape=triangle style=filled color=violet] "TOPIC 1" [label="TOPIC 1"] #B [label="TOPIC 2"] #C [label="TOPIC 3"] #D [label="TOPIC 4"] #E [label="TOPIC 5"] #F [label="TOPIC 6"] #G [label="TOPIC 7"] #H [label="TOPIC 8"] #Ii [label="TOPIC 9"] #J [label="TOPIC 10"] #K [label="TOPIC 11"] #L [label="TOPIC 12"] "PERSON 1" [label="PERSON 1"] "PERSON 2" [label="PERSON 2"] "PERSON 3" [label="PERSON 3"] "PERSON 4" [label="PERSON 4"] "PERSON 5" [label="PERSON 5"] #6 [label="PERSON 6"] #7 [label="PERSON 7"] #8 [label="PERSON 8"] #9 [label="PERSON 9"] #10 [label="PERSON 10"] #11 [label="PERSON 11"] #12 [label="PERSON 12"] #13 [label="PERSON 13"] #14 [label="PERSON 14"] #15 [label="PERSON 15"] #16 [label="PERSON 16"] #17 [label="PERSON 17"] #18 [label="PERSON 18"] #19 [label="PERSON 19"] #20 [label="PERSON 20"] #21 [label="PERSON 21"] #22 [label="PERSON 22"] #23 [label="PERSON 23"] #24 [label="PERSON 24"] #25 [label="PERSON 25"] #26 [label="PERSON 26"] #27 [label="PERSON 27"] #28 [label="PERSON 28"] #29 [label="PERSON 29"] #30 [label="PERSON 30"] }

digraph { layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=false //bgcolor=lightblue // splines=" " node [shape=box style=rounded] label=" \nIcosahedron 12 Nodes (Topics) / 30 Edges (Participants)/ 5 Members per Node (Conversations)/ 2 Nodes per Member" A -> {1 2 3 4 5} [color=red penwidth=5] B -> {1 6 7 8 27} [color=orange penwidth=5] C -> {2 6 29 11 12} [color="#eed200" penwidth=5] D -> {3 7 10 18 14} [color="#fced42" penwidth=5] E -> {4 10 15 16 28} [color=purple penwidth=5] F -> {5 9 11 15 19} [color=lightblue penwidth=5] #G -> {13 16 17 14 30} [color=blue penwidth=5] #H -> {22 12 24 25 9} [color=green penwidth=5] #Ii -> {17 24 19 26 28} [color=brown penwidth=5] #J -> {8 13 18 20 21} [color=black penwidth=5] #K -> {22 27 23 20 29} [color=gray penwidth=5] #L -> {30 21 26 25 23} [color=violet penwidth=5] //node {[shape=circle] A B C D E F G H Ii J K L} A [shape=triangle style=filled color=red fontcolor=white] #B [shape=triangle style=filled color=orange] #C [shape=triangle style=filled color="#eed200"] #D [shape=triangle style=filled color="#fced42"] #E [shape=triangle style=filled color=purple fontcolor=white] #F [shape=triangle style=filled color=lightblue] #G [shape=triangle style=filled color=blue fontcolor=white] #H [shape=triangle style=filled color=green1] #Ii [shape=triangle style=filled color=brown fontcolor=white] #J [shape=triangle style=filled color=black fontcolor=white] #K [shape=triangle style=filled color=grey fontcolor=white ] #L [shape=triangle style=filled color=violet] A [label="TOPIC 1"] #B [label="TOPIC 2"] #C [label="TOPIC 3"] #D [label="TOPIC 4"] #E [label="TOPIC 5"] #F [label="TOPIC 6"] #G [label="TOPIC 7"] #H [label="TOPIC 8"] #Ii [label="TOPIC 9"] #J [label="TOPIC 10"] #K [label="TOPIC 11"] #L [label="TOPIC 12"] 1 [label="PERSON 1"] 2 [label="PERSON 2"] 3 [label="PERSON 3"] 4 [label="PERSON 4"] 5 [label="PERSON 5"] #6 [label="PERSON 6"] #7 [label="PERSON 7"] #8 [label="PERSON 8"] #9 [label="PERSON 9"] #10 [label="PERSON 10"] #11 [label="PERSON 11"] #12 [label="PERSON 12"] #13 [label="PERSON 13"] #14 [label="PERSON 14"] #15 [label="PERSON 15"] #16 [label="PERSON 16"] #17 [label="PERSON 17"] #18 [label="PERSON 18"] #19 [label="PERSON 19"] #20 [label="PERSON 20"] #21 [label="PERSON 21"] #22 [label="PERSON 22"] #23 [label="PERSON 23"] #24 [label="PERSON 24"] #25 [label="PERSON 25"] #26 [label="PERSON 26"] #27 [label="PERSON 27"] #28 [label="PERSON 28"] #29 [label="PERSON 29"] #30 [label="PERSON 30"] }

digraph { layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=false //bgcolor=lightblue // splines=" " node [shape=box style=rounded] label=" \nIcosahedron 12 Nodes (Topics) / 30 Edges (Participants)/ 5 Members per Node (Conversations)/ 2 Nodes per Member" A -> {1 2 3 4 5} [color=red penwidth=5] B -> {1 6 7 8 27} [color=orange penwidth=5] C -> {2 6 29 11 12} [color="#eed200" penwidth=5] D -> {3 7 10 18 14} [color="#fced42" penwidth=5] E -> {4 10 15 16 28} [color=purple penwidth=5] F -> {5 9 11 15 19} [color=lightblue penwidth=5] G -> {13 16 17 14 30} [color=blue penwidth=5] H -> {22 12 24 25 9} [color=green penwidth=5] Ii -> {17 24 19 26 28} [color=brown penwidth=5] J -> {8 13 18 20 21} [color=black penwidth=5] K -> {22 27 23 20 29} [color=gray penwidth=5] L -> {30 21 26 25 23} [color=violet penwidth=5] //node {[shape=circle] A B C D E F G H Ii J K L} A [shape=triangle style=filled color=red fontcolor=white] B [shape=triangle style=filled color=orange] C [shape=triangle style=filled color="#eed200"] D [shape=triangle style=filled color="#fced42"] E [shape=triangle style=filled color=purple fontcolor=white] F [shape=triangle style=filled color=lightblue] G [shape=triangle style=filled color=blue fontcolor=white] H [shape=triangle style=filled color=green1] Ii [shape=triangle style=filled color=brown fontcolor=white] J [shape=triangle style=filled color=black fontcolor=white] K [shape=triangle style=filled color=grey fontcolor=white ] L [shape=triangle style=filled color=violet] A [label="TOPIC 1"] B [label="TOPIC 2"] C [label="TOPIC 3"] D [label="TOPIC 4"] E [label="TOPIC 5"] F [label="TOPIC 6"] G [label="TOPIC 7"] H [label="TOPIC 8"] Ii [label="TOPIC 9"] J [label="TOPIC 10"] K [label="TOPIC 11"] L [label="TOPIC 12"] 1 [label="PERSON 1"] 2 [label="PERSON 2"] 3 [label="PERSON 3"] 4 [label="PERSON 4"] 5 [label="PERSON 5"] 6 [label="PERSON 6"] 7 [label="PERSON 7"] 8 [label="PERSON 8"] 9 [label="PERSON 9"] 10 [label="PERSON 10"] 11 [label="PERSON 11"] 12 [label="PERSON 12"] 13 [label="PERSON 13"] 14 [label="PERSON 14"] 15 [label="PERSON 15"] 16 [label="PERSON 16"] 17 [label="PERSON 17"] 18 [label="PERSON 18"] 19 [label="PERSON 19"] 20 [label="PERSON 20"] 21 [label="PERSON 21"] 22 [label="PERSON 22"] 23 [label="PERSON 23"] 24 [label="PERSON 24"] 25 [label="PERSON 25"] 26 [label="PERSON 26"] 27 [label="PERSON 27"] 28 [label="PERSON 28"] 29 [label="PERSON 29"] 30 [label="PERSON 30"] }

# Marc's Twelve Proposed Topics for Neighborhood Syntegration (Content plus Structure) 1. Food 2. Safety 3. Development of (Children) Learners 4. Land and Ecology 5. Economy (Productive Work and Fair Finance) 6. Health 7. Care 8. Collaboration (System 1) 9. Coordination (System 2) 10. Cooperation (System 3) 11. Co-design (System 4) 12. Codification and Co-Identities (System 5) See Critical Basic Needs