Inventing Governing: 5

# Add ethics and bring to a boil:

VIMEO 513142243 Adding ethics


digraph { compound=true layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=false bgcolor=lightblue penwidth=3 splines="true" node [style=filled shape=circle cfontcolor=black] label="\n\nCOMMON SENSE: Design of Government vs. Emergence of Governing\n(each thing above is an ecosystem, including the whole set.)" 1 [label="Particular\nPeople\n(civil\nsociety)" color=purple fontcolor=white] 7 [label="Particular\nGovernment\n(a living\n pattern\nlanguage)" color=orange] 8 [label=Business color=blue fontcolor=white] 9 [label="Becomes\npredatory" color=red fontcolor=white] 10 [label="Becoming\nethical" color=yellow] 1 -> 7 [label="invent, organize, participate " color=purple penwidth=3 fontcolor=purple] 1 -> 8 [label="invent, organize, participate " color=purple penwidth=3 fontcolor=purple] 1 -> 1 [label="invent, organize, participate" color=purple penwidth=3 fontcolor=purple] 8 -> 7 [label=influences color=blue penwidth=3] 1 -> 9 [label=unconstrained color=red penwidth=3 fontcolor=red] 8 -> 9 [label=unconstrained color=red penwidth=3 fontcolor=red] 7 -> 9 [label=unconstrained color=red penwidth=3 fontcolor=red] 7 -> 1 [label="constrains & supports" style=dotted penwidth=3 color=orange penwidth=10] 7 -> 8 [label="should constrain & support" style=dotted penwidth=9 color=orange] 1 -> 10 [label="should, must, will?" color=purple penwidth=3] 8 -> 10 [label="should, must, will?" color=blue penwidth=3] 7 -> 10 [label="should, must, will?" color=orange penwidth=3] 10 -> 1 [label="constrains & inspires" style=dotted penwidth=10 color=yellow] 10 -> 7 [label="constrains & inspires" style=dotted penwidth=10 color=yellow] 10 -> 8 [label="constrains & inspires" style=dotted penwidth=10 color=yellow] 7 -> 7 [label="should constrain & support" style=dotted penwidth=9 color=red] }

Here we add a most critical element to the model. I label it "becoming ethical" to highlight the never ending vigilance and effort required of individuals, groups, businesses and governments if they are to have any chance of behaving ethically.

Mick Ashby asks us to consider systematically and programatically adding ways of becoming ethical. Were we to do that, the whole system could come into better balance.

I don't think that Mick would suggest that he has discovered the answer for making the world ethical, but he certainly is asking the right questions and suggesting productive ways to proceed. He has put his finger on the heart of civilization. It is up to us to discover how to keep it pumping in a gigantic organism--a civilization of civilizations.

Of course, I believe that civilizations are made up of neighborhoods that are more or less civil. And I believe that Ross Ashby and Stafford Beer gave us more than enough hints to figure out how to go about this work.


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