# Two issues, Ten nodes, Twenty-seven edges:
VIMEO 513219981 Conclusion
digraph { compound=true layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=false bgcolor=lightblue penwidth=3 splines="true" node [style=filled shape=circle cfontcolor=black] label="\n\nCOMMON SENSE: Design of Government vs. Emergence of Governing\n(each thing above is an ecosystem, including the whole set.)" 1 [label="Particular\nPeople\n(civil\nsociety)" color=purple fontcolor=white] 2 [label="Particular\nPlace &\n Time" color=green fontcolor=white] 3 [label="Particular\nSituation" color=green3] 4 [label="Particular\nDecisions\n(choices)" color=paleturquoise1] 5 [label="Particular\nConversations\n(politics)" color=paleturquoise1] 6 [label="Particular\nPatterns\nof\ndecision-\nmaking\n(laws, norms)" color=paleturquoise1] 7 [label="Particular\nGovernment\n(a living\n pattern\nlanguage)" color=orange] 8 [label=Business color=blue fontcolor=white] 9 [label="Becomes\npredatory" color=red fontcolor=white] 10 [label="Becoming\nethical" color=yellow] 1 -> 4 [label=make] 1 -> 2 [label="care for"] 2 -> 1 [label="is homeland"] 1 -> 3 [label=create] 2 -> 3 [label=create] 3 -> 1 [label=create] 1 -> 5 [label="participate in"] 5 -> 4 [label=inform] 3 -> 4 [label="constrains & supports"] 2 -> 4 [label="constrains & supports"] 4 -> 6 [label="recognized as"] 6 -> 7 [label="formalized into"] 1 ->6 [label=recognize] 1 -> 7 [label="invent, organize, participate " color=purple penwidth=3 fontcolor=purple] 1 -> 8 [label="invent, organize, participate " color=purple penwidth=3 fontcolor=purple] 1 -> 1 [label="invent, organize, participate" color=purple penwidth=3 fontcolor=purple] 8 -> 7 [label=influences color=blue penwidth=3] 1 -> 9 [label=unconstrained color=red penwidth=3 fontcolor=red] 8 -> 9 [label=unconstrained color=red penwidth=3 fontcolor=red] 7 -> 9 [label=unconstrained color=red penwidth=3 fontcolor=red] 7 -> 1 [label="constrains & supports" style=dotted penwidth=3 color=orange penwidth=10] 7 -> 8 [label="should constrain & support" style=dotted penwidth=9 color=orange] 1 -> 10 [label="should, must, will?" color=purple penwidth=3] 8 -> 10 [label="should, must, will?" color=blue penwidth=3] 7 -> 10 [label="should, must, will?" color=orange penwidth=3] 10 -> 1 [label="constrains & inspires" style=dotted penwidth=10 color=yellow] 10 -> 7 [label="constrains & inspires" style=dotted penwidth=10 color=yellow] 10 -> 8 [label="constrains & inspires" style=dotted penwidth=10 color=yellow] 7 -> 7 [label="should constrain & support" style=dotted penwidth=9 color=red] }
# Balancing civil society, government and business is a dynamic high wire act.
Focus on one of the three to the exclusion of another and we fall. For many, there is no net. I fear there will be no net for our grandchildren.
# So... For me the issues are: -**1 How governing can be designed** by those in situations with the particularities (requisite variety) of the local world in front of them? This will require that all communication be personalized, humanized and demystified.
> See "Campfire Conversation" for personal and human conversations.and "Cave Drawing for demystifing conversations."
-**2 How to design ethical behavior** into all our civil and institutional processes? # These two challenges are the work in front of us.
Back to the beginning Inventing Governing: Intro
See Geopolitical Recursions and related links. See Governing
NOTES: Freedom AND Solidarity AND = Improvisational Participation Improv requires experience Experience = contextual understanding Wisdom = holistic understanding in action Participation = deciding and working together
Designing is repairing is different than designing.
I invested (wasted) so much time trying to "Redesign US Healthcare"--embedded in a "reengineering" paradigm. We may want to focus on spring rather than winter, youth rather than seniors, nurseries rather than ICUs, learning rather than knowing...
DOT strict digraph rankdir=LR node [shape=box style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=lightyellow penwidth=3 color=black] HERE NODE node [style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] edge [style=solid penwidth=1 color=black] BACKLINKS NODE -> HERE node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=1 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=1 color=grey] HERE BACKLINKS NODE -> HERE STATIC strict digraph {rankdir=LR node [shape=box style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=lightyellow penwidth=3 color=black] "Geopolitical Recursions" node [style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] edge [style=solid penwidth=1 color=black] "Designing for Requisite Variety" -> "Geopolitical Recursions" "Governing" -> "Geopolitical Recursions" "Marc Pierson's Use of VSM" -> "Geopolitical Recursions" "Marc's Education Pages" -> "Geopolitical Recursions" "Responsibility-Capability" -> "Geopolitical Recursions" "Finance and Fairness" -> "Geopolitical Recursions" node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=1 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=1 color=grey] node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=1 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=1 color=grey] "Rule of Development" -> "Governing" "Inventing Governing: Intro" -> "Governing" "Inventing Governing: 1" -> "Governing" node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=1 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=1 color=grey] "Empirical Research Review of the VSM" -> "Marc Pierson's Use of VSM" "Governing" -> "Marc Pierson's Use of VSM" node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=1 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=1 color=grey] "Teach & Implement Journalism in FedWiki" -> "Marc's Education Pages" node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=1 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=1 color=grey] "Marc Pierson's Use of VSM" -> "Responsibility-Capability" "Responsibility-Capability" -> "Responsibility-Capability" node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=1 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=1 color=grey]}