# Origins of government?
VIMEO 513073937 The origin and basis of governing?
This graph is an exploration of how governance may come into being.
Governance at its most basic and most fundamental is an insightful and wise formalization of our everyday concerns, choices and actions.
digraph { compound=true layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=false bgcolor=lightblue penwidth=3 splines="true" node [style=filled shape=circle cfontcolor=black] label="\n\nCOMMON SENSE: Design of Government vs. Emergence of Governing\n(each thing above is an ecosystem, including the whole set.)" 1 [label="Particular\nPeople\n(civil\nsociety)" color=purple fontcolor=white] 2 [label="Particular\nPlace &\n Time" color=green fontcolor=white] 3 [label="Particular\nSituation" color=green3] 4 [label="Particular\nDecisions\n(choices)" color=paleturquoise1] 5 [label="Particular\nConversations\n(politics)" color=paleturquoise1] 6 [label="Particular\nPatterns\nof\ndecision-\nmaking\n(laws, norms)" color=paleturquoise1] 7 [label="Particular\nGovernment\n(a living\n pattern\nlanguage)" color=orange] 1 -> 4 [label=make] 1 -> 2 [label="care for"] 2 -> 1 [label="provide a homeland"] 1 -> 3 [label=create] 2 -> 3 [label=create] 3 -> 1 [label=create] 1 -> 5 [label="participate in"] 5 -> 4 [label=inform] 3 -> 4 [label="constrains & supports"] 2 -> 4 [label="constrains & supports"] 4 -> 6 [label="recognized as"] 6 -> 7 [label="formalized into"] 1 ->6 [label=recognize] 1 -> 7 [label="invent, organize, participate " color=purple penwidth=3 fontcolor=purple] 1 -> 1 [label="invent, organize, participate" color=purple penwidth=3 fontcolor=purple] }
Seven nodes, fourteen edges:
There are seven local and particular nodes in this graph: people, places and times, situations, conversations, decisions, patterns of decision-making, together ideally resulting in local government.
Done well they create a dialect in a pattern language--analogous to Christopher Alexander's "A Pattern Language".
There is a lot of action in this little graph: participate in, care for, create, recognize, inform, constrain, support, make, invent, organize and formalize.
These are some of the many actions of neighbors living well together which may lead to their co-created governments.
I hope I do not appear to be beating a dead horse with my focus on the **particular** and the **local**.
I am trying to revive a dying horse--civil society in the US.
General solutions and distant problem solvers are a real problem of society and for our governing.
NEXT: Inventing Governing: 4
DOT strict digraph rankdir=LR node [shape=box style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=lightyellow penwidth=3 color=black] HERE NODE node [style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] edge [style=solid penwidth=1 color=black] BACKLINKS NODE -> HERE node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=1 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=1 color=grey] HERE BACKLINKS NODE -> HERE STATIC strict digraph {rankdir=LR node [shape=box style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=lightyellow penwidth=3 color=black] "Inventing Governing: Summary" node [style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] edge [style=solid penwidth=1 color=black] "Inventing Governing: 5" -> "Inventing Governing: Summary" node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=1 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=1 color=grey]}