Appreciation Influence Control

AIC is paired with Ideals Values Goals to harness Power.

digraph { Public [shape=ellipse; style=filled fillcolor=lightblue] Private [shape=ellipse; style=filled fillcolor=lightblue] Coop [shape=ellipse; style=filled fillcolor=lightblue] Commons [shape=ellipse; style=filled fillcolor=yellow] Volunteer [shape=ellipse; style=filled fillcolor=yellow] Gift [shape=ellipse; style=filled fillcolor=yellow] "Open Source" [shape=ellipse; style=filled fillcolor=yellow] "Civil\nSociety" [shape=ellipse; style=filled fillcolor=red] Commons -> "Civil\nSociety" "Volunteer" -> "Civil\nSociety" "Gift"-> "Civil\nSociety" "Open Source" -> "Civil\nSociety" "Civil\nSociety" -> Private "Civil\nSociety" -> Coop "Civil\nSociety" -> Public Appreciation [shape=circle; style=filled fillcolor=yellow] Influence [shape=ellipse; style=filled fillcolor=red] Control [shape=box; style=filled fillcolor=lightblue] Appreciation -> Influence -> Control [label=Contextualizes] }

Aspirations for the benefit of the whole of humanity can contextualize the melting pot (influencing) of Civil Society which then organizes to accomplish Goals through different organizational forms and different types of property--public goods and property, private property, and cooperative structures. Interestingly each of these structures then tries to further influence civil society to make their form dominant. With neoliberal capitalism, private property has historically subjugated government and co-ops. The tide is turning for several reasons. Capitalism is putting itself out of business, hopefully before it is too late and the earth is ruined for human habitation.