# Accuracy Checklist
# While Reporting * [ ] Ask sources to spell name and title; then verify what you wrote * [ ] Record or transcribe interviews * [ ] When someone cites numbers, ask for (and check) source * [ ] Ask “how do you know that?” * [ ] Seek documentation * [ ] Verify claims with reliable sources * [ ] Save links and other research * [ ] Ask sources what other reports got wrong
# While Writing * [ ] Note facts that need further verification * [ ] Cut and paste (with attribution) quotes from digital documents.
# Final Checks Before Submission * [ ] Numbers & math (have someone check your math) * [ ] Names (check vs. notes and one other source) * [ ] Titles (people, books etc.) * [ ] Locations * [ ] Compare quotes to notes/recording/transcript * [ ] Check attribution (insert link if from the web) * [ ] Definitions * [ ] Verify URLs (check them and check whether cited content is still there) * [ ] Phone numbers (call them) * [ ] Spelling & Grammar * [ ] Spellchecker Errors * [ ] Have you assumed anything? (If so, verify, hedge or remove.) * [ ] If you have any doubts, recheck with the original source. * [ ] Where your understanding is weak, read the final copy to someone who does understand. # When finished * [ ] Correct any errors you found in your archives, databases or other resources you control (but be certain you have verified the new information).
# Submissions to Common Dreams should: * [ ] Offer a unique progressive perspective * [ ] Appeal to national and international readers * [ ] Be concise. Please keep submissions to 1000 words or less. * [ ] Be proofread by the author. * [ ] Be submitted with a suggested headline * [ ] Include a one- or two-line bio, a recent photo and your email address if you'd like us to include it.