Can we use the interplay between Wikimedia Foundation sites and tools and the Federated Wiki tools to create a democratic and comprehensive support for individual neighborhoods?
The idea of Open Source information and software by and for the people is to be embraced and participated in as users and creators.
At the moment I mean a geographic neighborhood defined by the practical possibility of face-to-face conversations about the physically and politically situated interplay. What are the pathways between Wikipedia and FedWiki writers? How can FedWiki writing lead to Wikipedia writing and vice versa? I would like to repurpose and adapt each of these resources to supporting neighborhood self-development.
digraph { layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=false bgcolor=lightblue // splines=" " "Wiki\nNeighborhood" -> { FedWiki Wikipedia Wikidata Wikiversity "Wikimedia\nCommons" Wikibooks Wiktionary MediaWiki Wikisource "Meta-Wiki" } FedWiki -> "Neighborhood\nObeya" }
digraph { layout=dot rankdir=BT overlap=false concentrate=false bgcolor=lightblue // splines=" " "Wikimedia\nFoundation" -> Wikimedia Wikimedia -> { Wikipedia Wikidata Wikiversity "Wikimedia\nCommons" Wikibooks Wiktionary Wikisource } "Wikimedia\nFoundation" -> MediaWiki "Wikimedia\nFoundation" -> WikiBase MediaWiki -> Wikimedia MediaWiki -> WikiBase WikiBase -> Wikidata Wikidata ->{ Wikipedia Wikiversity "Wikimedia\nCommons" Wikibooks Wiktionary Wikisource } }
Wiki Neighborhoods will be self-organizing and the motivation will be personal care rather than external structure and control based upon monetary reward.
Money is in play but it is not the driver, It is only a constraint. This means that where there is sufficient passion and self-organizing, money must be found for the goods or services that the community itself cannot produce.
For goods and services that fully originate within the community, gift culture, barter, and complementary currencies can provide liquidity.
Openness and Participatory with follow on.
Qulturum in Jönköping County Council, Sweden.