Vincent Ostrom graduated from Mount Baker High School in Deming, Washington (1937).
He was a key consultant to the Alaska Constitutional Convention (1955–56) in the drafting of the Natural Resource Article[8] of the Constitution of Alaska (Article VIII), which mandated that the state's resources were to be a Public Trust.[9]
Article VIII: Natural Resources (Alaska constitution) Article VIII is the first article dealing solely and broadly with resources to appear in a state constitution. The delegates wished to curtail what was seen as abuse of Alaska's resources (see Ordinance No. 3) and ensure reasonable development to broaden Alaska's economic base. The chief principle was that resources should be managed as a public trust, providing "for maximum use consistent with the public interest", further defined as "utilization, development, and conservation ... for the maximum benefit of [the] people"; for common access to resources; and for development to be based on sustainable yield. Article VIII also provides for state parks and protected areas, and for the leasing of state lands for resource development.