The 3 Dimensions: Power, Participation, Wisdom. source
70 Patterns (version 1) for a Wise Democracy which doesn't exist anywhere in the world but all the elements of it are already existing, html . This Pattern Language has developed by Tom Atlee wiki and the Co-Intelligence Institute strive to The Wise Democracy Project help to envision and co-create a deeply participatory culture that generates policies and activities that support the longterm quality of life. html
# Categories
Transported image. source
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# Discussion - Alexander has a very linear connection between problems and solutions, which is not the case of this pattern language - patterns as sets of challenges which are generic problems in society - Alexander's PL has a hierarchy, The Wise Democracy hasn't - There has been no community working on pattern mining, it has been mainly research work by Atlee and a few friends. - The deck of card, rather than a book is at the center and a website allows for everybody's access and going deeper: from the card description, to a video for each pattern and a more detailed transcript - Especially interesting is how existing dysfunctionalities are connected to a variety of patterns to adress them html
# See also
- Alphabetic Order of Wise Democracy Patterns html
# Sources
Presentation by Tom Atlee at Purplsoc 2017