Systems Curriculum

A first pass at the long term curriculum for ReLocalize Creativity and See the Systems. From this work we hope to develop a grade school and highschool offering: Systems as a Second Language.

# See the Systems Curriculum Core program of ReLocalize Creativity **FIrst Level** (Learning Distinctions through Reflection) * [ ] Personal Stories * [ ] Parts, Wholes, Boundaries, Environments * [ ] Relationships * [ ] Feedback over Time * [ ] Leverage for Potential Intervention * [ ] Networks and Diagrams (Graphs) * [ ] Perspectives and Stakeholders * [ ] Neighborhood Systems **Second Level** (Design and Implement) * [ ] Models * [ ] Using Systems * [ ] Results Assess and Measure * [ ] Six Nested Contexts * [ ] Sofi VSM Linkage Maps * [ ] Viability Resilience Antifragility **Third Level** (Bringing it all Together) * [ ] Beauty,Ethics, Poetry and Abduction * [ ] Balance and Rhythm * [ ]