Shared Resources

# Publish a map of your community’s shared resources.

# Take action

* Organize a #MapJam in your community with this guide from Shareable, to "bring people together to map grassroots sharing projects, cooperatives, the commons, and other community resources."

# Get inspired

* Smarta Kartan is a digital map of sharing economy initiatives in Gothenburg (Sweden) such as free bike repair centers, makerspaces, solidarity fridges, public fruit trees, and clothing exchanges.

* Biodiverseni is a beautiful printed map of biodiversity and cultural assets in Pejeng, Bali (Indonesia), helping local leaders, residents and visitors join together to preserve Pejeng’s culture.

* Hundreds of mappers in over 80 cities around the world participated in Shareable's #MapJam community mapping initiative to identify and make public grassroots sharing projects, cooperatives, community resources, and the commons. Find links to many of these maps here .