Russian Transdisciplinary Systems Theory

This is a body of knowledge of systems theory that I have come to learn through one of its main founders and proponents, the Russian professor Michael Mokiy and his brother, professor Vladimir Mokiy.

It strikes me as the set of systems theory that integrates all types of systems at all levels, from the astrophysical to living and technical systems, and to social, human and psychological systems.

It is also the only systems theory I know of to date that makes hypotheses on changes in higher levels of systems and changes in physical, spatial, and temporal aspects of other level systems.

The Russian Transdisciplinary approach to systems is never conceptual alone, and always (also) tied to reality.

It is rooted into at least neoplatonian ontology, and thus based on the understanding that all systems are part of something bigger. Epistemologically speaking, this means that the TD systems approach considers knowledge about systems to be, almost by definition, incomplete and at best as representing (understandings of) fragments of real systems. Therefore, the Russian TD approach seems open to extension, additions, changes, debate and critique.

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