Whisp: How do Responsibilities and Rights scale? How do responsibilities pair with rights at each scale?
Responsibility is the ability, capability, potential, capacity, to respond. Developmental nature of responsibility?
Rights are made available by others to others by agreement. May be conditional or limited. Often conditioned or paired with Responsibilities.
Perhaps the concept is Responsibility-Right, like Energy-Mass and Time-Space. There is some equivalence dome yin-yang and even an ouroboros involved here.
Perhaps it is nonsense to try to think of rights without corresponding responsibilities. I do suspect that rights and paired responsibilities can only be enacted at different metasystemic levels.
The ability to respond is a function of Ashby's Law and the Conant-Ashby Theorem. On must have a model and the means to respond to the systems variety.
In some cases people at various scales can negotiate upon "Rights" agreements that must account for Ashby's Law and not promise that which cannot possibly be accomplished. Rights must scale to the level where the agreement can feasibly be met.