Resilience Assessment (VSM)

Whisp: Investing in brittle institutions or programs is risky.

digraph { layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false consentrate=true node [style=filled shape=box ] "Resilience\nAssessment\n(VSM)" [color=blue4 fontcolor=white] Institutions Programs [color=lightblue4 fontcolor=white] "Resilience\nAssessment\n(VSM)" -> {Institutions Programs} [label=diagnose color=red penwidth=2] }

We need quick and accurate methods for diagnosing the resilience and hence viability of institutions and programs before we rely on them.

Stafford Beer's Viable System Model is such a tool. We are adapting the method to fit neighborhoods so they can assess the reliability of institutions and programs over the intermediate and long terms.