
I am an optimist. I believe that most people are doing the best they can in what have become overwhelmingly confusing times experienced as a series of incomprehensible situations. Decision making is erratic and uncertain. The inevitable cognitive dissonance is dealt with by denial, distraction, addictions, and premature death.

I believe that people and society is ill equipped for the level of interconnectedness and associated complexity that has occured in the last 100 years.

I believe that if we cannot find ways to deal effectively with the rate of complexification we are doomed to a frightening and dystopian future.

I am an optimist. We must do our best to understand how to manage the rate and the effect of interconnectedness.

I am not a fan of wishful thinking of head in sand behavior.

I have always had enough confidence. I occasionally needed encouragement to be more courageous. Fortunately I had friends who cared enough to push me in that direction.