These eight sectors (Super Themes) are causally interconnected. The sectors toward the top either assist or resist change in the lower sectors--they are seldom neutral.
See New Economy Coalition Website ] "A solidarity economy ecosystem is an environment where all of the things a community needs are controlled and governed by everyday people: like housing, schools, farms and food production, local governance structures, art and culture, healthcare and healing, and transportation. The members in our network are primarily building community control in the following areas:"
digraph { //ranksep=.3; size = "7.5,7.5"; rankdir=TB spline=flase label="\nInterrelationships\nof\nSectors" fontsize=40 node [shape=circle, fontsize=12] edge [penwidth=3 fontsize=20 ] ratio=2 //edge [style=invis] node [width=1.1 style=filled shape=circle fontcolor=black color=black penwidth=3 fillcolor=white fixedsize=true] //{ rank = same; } //subgraph cluster1 {7 3} rank=same //0 [label=""][fillcolor=red][shape=box][width=2 height=1 fontcolor=white] 1 [label="Money\nand\nFinance"] [fillcolor=pink] 2 [label="Land\nand\nHousing"] [fillcolor=white] 3 [label="Work\nand\nLabor"] [fillcolor=white] 4 [label="Food\nand\nFarming"] [fillcolor=white] 5 [label="Education\nand\nTraining"][fillcolor=green1] 6 [label="Climate\nand\nEnergy"] [fillcolor=white] 7 [label="Research\nand\nPublic Policy"] [fillcolor=lightblue] 8 [label="Art\nMedia\nTechnology"] [fillcolor=white] //9 [label=""] [fillcolor=pink] //10 [label=""] [fillcolor=pink] //11 [label=""] [fillcolor=pink] //12 [label=""] [fillcolor=pink] //13 [label=""] [fillcolor=pink] //14 [label=""] [fillcolor=green1] 1->2 [color=red penwidth=5] 1->3 [color=red penwidth=5] 1->4 [color=red penwidth=5] 1->6 [color=red penwidth=5] 2->3 3->2 3->4 2->4 5->{1 2 3 4 5 6 7} [color=green1 penwidth=6] 6->{2 4} 7->{1 2 3 4 6}[color=blue penwidth=4] }
> Of all the localization steps communities can take, rebuilding the local food system is perhaps the most important. That’s because food is something everyone, everywhere, needs every day, which means that even small shifts in our food systems can have far-reaching benefits – environmentally, economically and socially. - From Localization Action Guide
Also see Youth Cooperatives website .
Also see Mondragon City Challenge website .
* Health, digital transformation and climate change will be the social challenges that students will have to tackle. MONDRAGON CITY CHALLENGE will be part of an international competition and aims to promote cooperative entrepreneurship.