Nested Ecosystems

digraph { #size="4,8"; label="\nThis diagram can be localized by\nchanging the labels in the boxes to fit your situation. " node [fontsize=14, shape = plaintext]; "Planet"->"GAIA\nFormation of\nall Life and\nHuman Culture"->"World" -> "Continents" -> "Subcontinents" -> "Mountains\nRivers\nand Seas" ->"Nation States" -> Bioregions -> States -> Watersheds -> Counties -> Ecosystems -> "Municipalities" -> "Neighborhoods" -> "Landscapes" -> "Homsteads" -> "Households" -> "GAIA\n Future\nGenerations"; node [fontsize=14, shape = box]; { rank=same; "Planet" 0} { rank=same; "GAIA\nFormation of\nall Life and\nHuman Culture" 14} { rank=same; "World" 1} { rank=same; "Continents" 2} { rank=same; "Subcontinents" 3} { rank=same; "Mountains\nRivers\nand Seas" 13} { rank=same; "Nation States" 4} { rank=same; "Bioregions" 5} { rank=same; "States" 6} { rank=same; "Watersheds" 7} { rank=same; "Counties" 8} { rank=same; "Ecosystems" 9} { rank=same; "Municipalities" 10} { rank=same; "Landscapes" 11} { rank=same; "Neighborhoods" 12} { rank=same; "Homsteads" 15} { rank=same; "Households" 16} 0 [label="Planet"][color=red penwidth=3] 14 [label="Life"][color=green1 penwidth=3] 1 [label="World"][color=green1 penwidth=3] 2 [label="Continents"][color=red penwidth=3] 3 [label="Subcontinents"][color=red penwidth=3] 13 [label="Mountains\nRivers\nand Seas"][color=red penwidth=3] 4 [label="Nation States"][color=blue penwidth=3] 5 [label="Bioregions"][color=green1 penwidth=3] 6 [label="States"][color=blue penwidth=3] 7 [label="Watersheds"][color=green1 penwidth=3] 8 [label="Counties"][color=blue penwidth=3] 9 [label="Ecosystems"][color=green1 penwidth=3] 10 [label="Municipalities"][color=blue penwidth=3] 11 [label="Landscapes"][color=green1 penwidth=3] 12 [label="Neighborhoods"][color=lightblue penwidth=7] 15 [label="Homsteads"][color=green1 penwidth=3] 16 [label="Households"][color=lightblue penwidth=7] 0->2 0->14 14->1 1->14[color=green penwidth=3] 2->3 3->13 13->5 13->4 4->13 [color=blue penwidth=3] 1->5 5->1 [color=green penwidth=3] 5->7 7->5 [color=green penwidth=3] 7->9 9->7 [color=green penwidth=3] 9->11 11->9 [color=green penwidth=3] 4->6 6->4 [color=blue penwidth=3] 6->8 8->6 [color=blue penwidth=3] 8->10 10->8 [color=blue penwidth=3] 10->12 12->10 [color=blue penwidth=3] 11->15 15->11 [color=green penwidth=3] 12->16 16->12 [color=blue penwidth=3] edge [style=invis]; }