Neighborhood Governance & Development

# Proposal for Slow Syntegration Find the first person in a neighborhood. Have them invite four more to the conversation so five households are in the conversation. Try to include: involvement in civil service, business ownership, finance, farmer-gardener, and culture. Be sure there is a mother, youth, and elder. Be sure all are respected and trusted by those who know them. Be sure all are motivated by curiosity and passion.

# Explore and reveal opportunities in and for the neighborhood. **System 5:** Explore (appreciate) ideals, visions, ethical limits. **System 4:** Explore values and influence. **System 3:** Explore goals and capabilities for accomplishing these goals. **System 3'** Explore how critical information is shared. **System 2** Explore how activities are coordinated or could be better coordinated in the neighborhood. (It has been my experience that folks welcome improvements in System 2 arena, so look for early successes here. It also has the advantage of creating more understanding and faster change.)

# Explore and reveal these domains of their neighborhood life: **System 1:** Learning and education Child and elder care Food Security & Safety Land, buildings, physical infrastructure Jobs & Finance Group decision making (governance)

# Provide for Neighborhood Control Rooms See Obeya

We can extend the eSyntegration 2021 into the Slow Syntegration, mirroring the 5 + 7, to develop information and methods for the whole set and each of the parts or function.
