This graph represents a powerful way to conceptualize neighborhoods.
digraph { layout=dot rankdir=BT overlap=false consentrate=true node [style=filled shape=box] Stakeholders [color=purple3 fontcolor=white] "Individuals\n& Households" [color=purple1 fontcolor=white] Institutions [color=grey] Places [color=green1] Outside [color=black fontcolor=white] "Appreciation\nEvents" [color=yellow] Ideals [color=yellow] "Influence\nEvents" [color=red] Values [color=red] "Control\nEvents" [color=blue fontcolor=white] Goals [color=blue fontcolor=white] Programs [color=lightblue4] Projects [color=lightblue3] Processes [color=lightblue2] Results [color=lightblue1] Care [color=orange] "Individuals\n& Households" -> Care [label=discover] Care -> {Ideals Values Goals Results} [label=creates] Goals -> Programs [label=require] subgraph cluster1 { "Appreciation\nEvents" -> Ideals [label=reveals] } subgraph cluster2 {"Influence\nEvents" -> Values [label=negotiate] } subgraph cluster3 { "Control\nEvents" -> Goals [label=allows] } subgraph cluster4 { Stakeholders -> Ideals [label=believe] Stakeholders -> Values [label=prioritize] Stakeholders -> Goals [label=invest] Stakeholders -> "Appreciation\nEvents" [label=participate] Stakeholders -> "Influence\nEvents" [label=use] Stakeholders -> "Control\nEvents" [label=organize] } Stakeholders -> {"Individuals\n& Households" Institutions Places} [label=include] subgraph cluster5 {Programs Projects Processes Results} Programs -> Projects [label=require] Projects -> Processes [label=require] Processes -> Results [label=produce] //subgraph cluster6 {Stakeholders -> {"Individuals & Households" Institutions Places} [label=include]} Institutions -> {Inside Outside} [label=controlled] Places -> {Inside Outside} //subgraph cluster7 {Institutions -> {Inside Outside} }
It centers on Individuals & Households that have immense Latent Power derivable from their Care in three domains: Appreciation of the Whole, Social-Political Influence, and Control of Resources & Processes.
It makes the critical distinction among Institutions: Inside or Outside.
It encourages awareness of Place, so we can more readily care about Our Places of Belonging.
It focuses on creating Results locally, powered by continually aligning and sharing our Ideals, Values, and Goals.
When implemented it uses graphs, maps (GIS), multimedia and FedWiki pages to create a continuously shareable, explorable and extensible self understanding of a particular neighborhood.
Each of these concepts (except Appreciation, Influence, and Control) are tags in the database so that patterns can be easily explore.