Whisp: I have been enamored with navigation for most of my life. The traveler is the main source of change in navigational systems. Navigation seeks to answer the question, Where am I in respect to a relatively static, mappable world?
Transformation is different than transportation. Something in or of the system is changing. Transportation holds constant the system one may navigate and be transported across or through. Transformation changes the structure and morphology of the system.
Fortunately these two processes usually work at different rates—time scales. Navigation is of immediate concern. Transformation affects the long term and tends to play out over longer time spans.
Our state has mandated long term development planning. This is delighted to counties and cities. These documents are worthy of review.
In the City of Bellingham there are also Neighborhood Comprehensive Plans. Here is one for Columbia Neighborhood, PDF
Every three or four years the public health department creates a Community Health Improvement Plan for the county. This is done across the US. All nonprofit hospitals must create their health improvement plan. Most work with public health and create a joint plan. This is what is done in Whatcom County. Here is the last one completed: PDF
My guess is that these four levels of planning will have similar structure. They would have different patterns but would be part of the same pattern language.
I wonder if there are equivalent “comprehensive plans” for the state and the nation? I suspect that various associations create publicly available plans.
The structure of governments are integral to these plans and they too are on-line. Here is a link to the Whatcom County Charter: Website
I think that the county charter, the county comprehensive plan, and the current political debates and decisions (governing) should be linked and easily navigable for all. For me that means represented in graphic (nodes and edges) form (graphviz and GIS maps). Then we can attach citizen journalism writers and article to the ongoing drama of civic life in this place. The whole point of doing this is to increase participation at the neighborhood level in the deliberations at all levels that affect neighborhood residents.