# Map out local food systems.
Mapping out small farms, stores, and food access can help members of your community connect with local food suppliers. It can also reveal gaps in local food availability that might represent meaningful projects for community groups, or new business opportunities for farmers and food entrepreneurs. # Take action
* Visualize how to shift food purchases locally with Campaign to Protect Rural England's Mapping Local Food Webs Toolkit .
* Involve younger community members with Countryside Classroom's activities on Mapping local food for kids . Available in English or Welsh.
* Publish a list or map in your local newspaper, in flyers around town, or in local websites.
* Use the Economics of Local Food Systems: A Toolkit to Guide Community Discussions, Assessments and Choices , by Local Food Economics, "to make more deliberate and credible measurements" of local food systems in your region.
# Get inspired
* The community coalition Food in Neighborhoods in Kentucky, US, created the LouFoodGuide , a spreadsheet of local farms and food pantries that others can use as a template.
* Local Food Connect in Melbourne, Australia offers an impressive online directory of local farmers, as well as food swaps, community gardens, and food justice initiatives.