Land Use

Jon recommends determining the amount and type land that each level of recursion needs to be viable and handel its recursion.

Land is one of the Basic Sources of Life. Add Water and Atmosphere & Climate and Energy from the sun and we have base level system outlined. Life emerged from this system and depends upon it as a system.

Here we begin to explore Land as a viable system. We tentatively put forward some systems that are supported directly by land. I make a rough guess at the temporal emergence of each function: Forests covered much of the land before humans began to enclose it. Enclosure at small scale is a Homestead. Communal Agriculture added a new dimension to our relationship with land. As affluence accumulated land became a source of leisure and Recreation. As populations grew Roads and other land coverings become a significant feature of the land with consequences of all sorts--a geospatial network with network consequences. And as Commerce began to dominate humanity it too dominated the land with consequences--especially large scale agriculture and pervasive enclosure under concepts of Private Property and effects of Externalized Costs.

digraph G { rankdir=TB // subgraph cluster1 {label = "Sources of Health"; node [style=filled];style=filled; color=white; SocialServices -> EnvironmentalSafety -> Mobility -> SocialInteraction -> Curosity -> EducationalAttainment -> ParksTrailsPaths -> PreventionProtection -> HealthyFoodDietAtHome -> OTCDrugs -> DentalCare -> Nutrition -> AlternativeMedicine -> TrafficSafety -> HomeSafety -> RollBalance -> MentalHealth; color="#00c3ff" } // subgraph cluster2 {label = "Healthy Systems" node [style=filled, color=azure]; style=filled; color=yellow; HealthyIndividual -> HealthyFamily -> HealthyNeighborhood -> HealthyTown -> HealthyCity -> HealthyCountyWaterShed -> HealthyState -> HealthyRegion -> HealthyNation -> HealthyContinent -> HealthyWorld; } subgraph cluster0 {label = "VSM Levels (recursions)"; node [style=filled, color=aquamarine]; style=filled; color=lightgrey; {Individual -> Family -> Neighborhood -> Town -> City -> CountyWatershed -> State -> Region -> Nation -> Continent -> World [label="EV"]} } // subgraph cluster0 {label = "VSM Levels (recursions)"; node [style=filled, color=aquamarine]; style=filled; color=lightgrey; { Nation -> Continent -> World[label="EV"]} } // subgraph cluster5 {label = "MedicalSystemComponents"; node [style=filled, color=aquamarine]; style=filled; color=lightgrey; DME -> Robotics -> RxDrugs -> ProcedureSurgery -> CommunicationTech -> Sensors -> Facilities -> Skills } // subgraph cluster3 {label = "Sick Systems" node [style=filled, color=azure]; style=filled; color=pink; IllIndividual -> IllFamily -> IllNeighborhood -> IllTown -> IllCity -> IllCountyWaterShed -> IllState -> IllRegion -> IllNation -> IllContinent -> IllWorld; } // subgraph cluster4 {label = "Sources of Dis-ease" node [style=filled, color=bisque]; style=filled; color=red; Misinformation -> Racism -> Poverty -> Fear -> LowEducationalAttainment -> Conflict -> Greed -> NeoliberalEconomicsRichGetRicher -> Enclosure ; label = "Sources of Dis-ease"} //start -> EnvironmentalSafety //start -> HealthyIndividual; //start -> Individual //start -> IllIndividual; //start -> Misinformation // HealthyWorld -> end // World -> end // IllWorld -> end //start [shape = Mdiamond] // end [shape=Msquare] // subgraph cluster6 {label = "Security System" Insurance -> HouseholdSecurity -> NeighborhoodWatch -> TownPolice -> CityPolice -> CountySheriff ->StatePolice -> NationalGuard -> NationalMilitary -> CrossBorderCooperation ->WorldPolice [label = EV]} // subgraph cluster7 {label = "PubHealth System" {NeighborhoodCommHealthWorkerCoord -> CityPublicHealth -> CountyPublicHealth -> StatePublicHealth -> NationalPublicHealth ->WorldPublicHealth [label = EV]}} // Individual -> NeighborhoodCommHealthWorkerCoord // Family -> NeighborhoodCommHealthWorkerCoord // Neighborhood -> NeighborhoodCommHealthWorkerCoord // Town -> CityPublicHealth // City -> CityPublicHealth // CountyWatershed -> CountyPublicHealth // State -> StatePublicHealth // Region -> NationalPublicHealth // Nation -> NationalPublicHealth // Continent -> WorldPublicHealth // World -> WorldPublicHealth // subgraph cluster8 {label = "Economic System" {HomeEconomics -> NeighborhoodEconomicSystem -> CityEconomicSystem -> CountyEconomicSystem -> RegionEconomicSystem -> StateEconomicSystem -> NationalEconomicSystem -> WorldEconomicSystem [label = EV]}} // subgraph cluster9 {label = "Finance System" {NeighborhoodFinanceSystem -> CountyFinanceSystem -> StateFinanceSystem -> NationalFinanceSystem -> WorldFinanceSystem [label = EV]}} // subgraph cluster10 {label = "Court System" {MunicipalCourt -> SuperiorCourt -> StateCourt -> FederalCourt -> SupremeCourt -> WorldCourt [label = EV]}} // Individual -> MunicipalCourt // Family -> MunicipalCourt // Neighborhood -> MunicipalCourt // Town -> MunicipalCourt // City -> MunicipalCourt // CountyWatershed -> SuperiorCourt // State -> StateCourt // Region -> FederalCourt // Nation -> SupremeCourt // Continent -> WorldCourt // World -> WorldCourt // subgraph cluster11 {label = "Food System" {HouseholdGardens -> CommunityGardens -> Farms -> Markets -> GroceryStores -> Aggribusiness -> CommodityMarkets [label = EV]}} // Individual -> {HouseholdGardens Markets GroceryStores} // Family -> {HouseholdGardens Markets GroceryStores} // Neighborhood -> {CommunityGardens Markets GroceryStores} // Town -> {CommunityGardens Markets GroceryStores} // City -> {CommunityGardens Markets GroceryStores} // CountyWatershed -> {Farms Markets GroceryStores} // Farms -> GroceryStores [label = EV] // State -> {Farms Aggribusiness} // Region -> Aggribusiness // Nation -> {Farms Aggribusiness Individual Family} // Continent -> CommodityMarkets // World -> CommodityMarkets // subgraph cluster12 {label = "Medical Care" {MotherHealthRole -> HomeFirstAid -> NeighborhoodCommHealthWorker -> EMS -> Pharmacies -> Clinic -> Hospital -> TirtiaryCare -> QuaternaryCare -> DisasterResponse [label = EV]}} // Individual -> {MotherHealthRole HomeFirstAid} // Family -> {MotherHealthRole HomeFirstAid} // Neighborhood -> {NeighborhoodCommHealthWorker Pharmacies Clinic} // Town -> {EMS Clinic Pharmacies Hospital} // City -> {EMS Clinic Pharmacies Hospital TirtiaryCare} // CountyWatershed -> {EMS Clinic Pharmacies Hospital} // State -> DisasterResponse // Region -> {QuaternaryCare DisasterResponse} // Nation -> {QuaternaryCare DisasterResponse} // Continent -> DisasterResponse // World -> DisasterResponse // subgraph cluster13 {label = "Safe Behaviors" SafeSex -> Food -> Drugs -> Noise -> Kenetic-> Social-> Thought-> Online } subgraph cluster14 {label = "Land Use" {Forests -> Commons -> Homesteads -> Aggriculture -> Recreation -> Roads -> CommercialLand [label = EV]}} Individual -> {Forests} Family -> {Forests} Neighborhood -> {Forests} Town -> {Forests} City -> {Forests} CountyWatershed -> {Forests} State -> {Forests} Region -> {Forests} Nation -> {Forests} Continent -> {Forests} World -> {Forests} // subgraph cluster15 {label = "Energy" {Nuclear -> Electromagnetic -> Heat -> Chemical ->Kinetic -> Electric -> Ionizing [label = EV]} } // subgraph cluster16 {label = "Polution" {IndividualPolution -> HouseholdPolution -> NeighborhoodPolution -> TownPolution -> CityPolution -> CountyPolution -> StatePolution -> RegionalPolution -> NationalPolution -> WorldPolution [label = EV]}} // subgraph cluster17 {label = "Finance System" { Gifts -> Exchange -> Barter -> Currency -> Equity -> LoansDebt [label = EV]}} // subgraph cluster18 {label = "Economic System" Demand -> Production -> Use -> Surplus -> Market} // Individual -> {Online Social Kinetic Noise Drugs Mobility EducationalAttainment Curosity Online IndividualPolution ParksTrailsPaths SafeSex Food} [color=Red] // Family -> {Online Social Kinetic Noise Drugs Food MotherHealthRole HomeEconomics HouseholdGardens HouseholdPolution HouseholdSecurity ParksTrailsPaths} [color=Blue] // Neighborhood -> {Social Kinetic Noise Drugs NeighborhoodEconomicSystem Food NeighborhoodFinanceSystem CommunityGardens Clinic Pharmacies NeighborhoodPolution GroceryStores NeighborhoodWatch} [color=green] // Town -> {Social Hospital TownPolution TownPolice} [color=orange] // City -> {Social Kinetic CityPublicHealth TirtiaryCare CityPolution MunicipalCourt CityPolice} [color=orchid1] // CountyWatershed -> {Social CountyPublicHealth CountyEconomicSystem CountyFinanceSystem Farms CountySheriff CountyCourt CountyPolution} // State -> {Kinetic StatePublicHealth StateEconomicSystem StatePolution StateFinanceSystem Insurance StatePolice NationalGuard StateCourt} [color=sienna] // Region -> {Transportation Climate Firefighting TirtiaryCare QuaternaryCare} [color=slateblue1] // Nation -> {Online Kinetic NationalPublicHealth NationalPolution NationalEconomicSystem NationalFinanceSystem NationalMilitary FederalCourt SupremeCourt} [color=steelblue3] // Continent -> {Commerce Climate InfectiousDieases Biome PeaceKeeping} [color=tomato] // World -> {WorldFinanceSystem WorldEconomicSystem WorldPublicHealth WorldCourt WorldPolice WorldPolution} [color=turquoise3] }

This first sketch of relations of geopolitical levels to forests begins to reveal the complexity of the situation and the absolute need for understandable, actionable, visibility of Relationships, Roles, and Responsibilities for forests.

The sketch raises the question about the need for World Forests. We do not seem to have an idea of ownership beyond the global corporation and the nation-state. Perhaps a first approximation could be a Global Co-op that buys forests within nation-states and manages them for common good. Somehow we will need to use existing laws and precedents and combine them in new ways to solve global problems.

This raises the question, what would a managed Global Cooperative or managed Global Commons look like, in practical detail.

The sketch also raises the question about the need for feedback from higher levels of recursion asking lower levels to provide the variety that they do not have.

So in this example we come face-to-face with the need for balance between levels--the need for Homeostatic Decision-making or Governance.

The level below asks of the level above to do what it cannot and the level above ask the level below to do what it cannot. The essential concept will be Shared Values, needed for successful Non-oppressive Negotiation.