
INSTITUTION ReLocalize => ReLocalize Creativity => ReLocalize Cooperatives => ReLocalize Governance

**PHOTO with GeoCode:**

**ADDRESS:** 1310 Harris Ave. Bellingham, WA 98225

**VISION:** Nurture enough resilient neighborhoods so they may sustain what is good about our civilization into the uncertain future. "Embark on the return journey," Charles Eisenstein Web page

YOUTUBE _1VfYPUdwTE Charles Eisenstein

**VALUES:** Civic Participation

**MARKET:** Local X 1 Million

**STRATEGY:** Teach public causal loop diagramming and spread near and far through See One Do One Teach One

**SERVICES:** Tool Making Tool Sharing

**PRODUCTS:** Tools

**OFFICERS:** Kerry Turner Marc Pierson




**SUPPLIERS:** Wiki Cafe IT services



**GeoPolitical World**


**BioPhycical World**



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