

If change is needed on a societal level, what can individuals do? One of the best actions is to spread the word about the need for a global to local shift – by talking to family, neighbors, and friends, and more widely via any media we have access to. We can also play an important role by pressuring our elected representatives to support the small and local instead of the large and global. Changing our personal behavior can also be helpful, but far better is to start or join a more systemic localization initiative aimed at strengthening our local economies and communities.

* [x] Join or start a community garden.Expand Action

* [ ] Move your money.Expand Action

* [ ] Join or start a tool library.Expand Action

* [ ] Organize a citizens' assembly.Expand Action

* [x] Learn how to grow organic food.Expand Action

* [x] Transform your lawn into a garden.Expand Action

* [x] Link land and landowners with aspiring farmers.Expand Action

* [x] Start a small-scale farm.Expand Action Create or support a community land trust.Expand Action

* [x] Start a CSA on your farm.Expand Action

* [x] Harvest wild foods.Expand Action

* [ ] Get involved in gleaning.Expand Action

* [ ] Join or start a bulk buying club.Expand Action

* [x] Shop at locally-owned businesses.Expand Action

* [ ] Support genuine fair trade.Expand Action

* [ ] Purchase biodegradable and long-lasting objects.Expand Action

* [ ] Join or start a neighborhood sharing network.Expand Action

* [ ] Join or start a Time Bank or LETS.Expand Action

* [ ] Barter what you have for what you need.Expand Action

* [ ] Join or start a local currency.Expand Action

* [ ] Be part of a gift economy.Expand Action

* [ ] Produce your own household electricity.Expand Action

* [ ] Support land reparations movements.Expand Action

* [x] Plant food to share.Expand Action

* [x] Learn how to grow and process local grains.Expand Action

* [x] Buy locally-grown staple foods.Expand Action

* [x] Join the movement for local grains.Expand Action

* [x] Buy open-pollinated heirloom seeds for your garden.Expand Action

* [x] Save your seeds.Expand Action

* [ ] Support local and responsible seafood and fishing communities.Expand Action

* [ ] Use passive (non-electric) renewable energy.Expand Action

* [ ] Practice simple living.Expand Action

* [ ] Use or start a bike share program.Expand Action

* [ ] Join the slow movement.Expand Action

* [ ] Start or join a repair café.Expand Action

* [x] Start a local business to meet basic needs.Expand Action

* [x] Learn who’s already working on ideas that you’re passionate about.Expand Action

* [x] Publish a map of your community’s shared resources.Expand Action

* [x] Map out organizations and projects already working towards sustainable, local economies in your community.Expand Action

* [ ] Commit to a zero-waste lifestyle.Expand Action

* [ ] Swap stuff with others in your community.Expand Action

* [ ] Go dumpster diving.Expand Action

* [x] Start or join a local food hub.Expand Action

* [ ] Implement participatory budgeting where you live.Expand Action

* [ ] Start or join a local theater group.Expand Action

* [ ] Join and spread the word about the global movement for localization.Expand Action

* [x] Map out local food systems.Expand Action

* [x] Connect with your neighbors and others through meaningful dialogue.Expand Action

* [ ] Choose your news sources.Expand Action

* [ ] Use wood as an energy source.Expand Action

* [ ] Build a biogas digester.Expand Action

* [ ] Start or join a community choir.Expand Action

* [ ] Lower your home energy use.Expand Action

* [ ] Stage a puppet show.Expand Action

* [ ] Reconnect to end loneliness and build community.Expand Action

* [ ] Learn to make appropriate technologies and traditional crafts.Expand Action

* [ ] Start a lawn sharing program.Expand Action

* [ ] Start or join an ecovillage.Expand Action

* [ ] Build a composting toilet.Expand Action

* [ ] Address eco-anxiety, despair and grief through reconnection.Expand Action

* [ ] Policy action: Advocate for energy democracy.Expand Action

* [x] Policy action: Support land reform.Expand Action

* [x] Policy action: Resist corporate power.Expand Action