Geopolitical Commons

# How can FedWiki support each and every level of commons?

We will all be better off when commons are instantiated at every level of the geopolitical recursions.

It may be that they are actually linked recursively themselves. That is one question before me.

I am reconfiguring the Geopolitical Recursions and associated Commons graphviz diagrams to include associated commons that may be recursively nested themselves, or not.

digraph G { rankdir=LR label = "SOFI Levels (recursions)" node[style=filled color=aquamarine] rank=same {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10} rank=same {21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30} 1 [label="World"] 2 [label="Continent"] 3 [label="Nation"] 4 [label="State\nRegion"] 5 [label="County\nWatershed"] 6 [label="City"] 7 [label="Town"] 8 [label="Neighborhood\nAssociations"] 9 [label="Family"] 10 [label="Individual"] 21 [label="World\nCommons"] 22 [label="Continent\nCommons"] 23 [label="Nation\nCommons"] 24 [label="State\nRegin\nCommons"] 25 [label="County\nWatershed\nCommons"] 26 [label="City\nCommons"] 27 [label="Town\nCommons"] 28 [label="Neighborhood\nAssociations\nCommons"] 29 [label="Family\nCommons"] 30 [label="Individual\nCommons"] 1->2 2->3 3->4 4->5 5->6 6->7 7->8 8->9 9->10 10->9 9->8 8->7 7->6 6->5 5->4 4->3 3->2 2->1 1->21 2->22 3->23 4->24 5->25 6->26 7->27 8->28 9->29 10->30 }

digraph G { rankdir=BT subgraph cluster0 {label = "VSM Levels (recursions)"; node [style=filled, color=aquamarine]; style=filled; color=lightgrey; {Individual -> {Association Family rank=same} -> Neighborhood -> Town -> City -> CountyWatershed -> State -> Region -> Nation -> Continent -> World [label="EV" color=blue penwidth=2]} } subgraph cluster0 {label = "VSM Levels (recursions)"; node [style=filled, color=aquamarine]; style=filled; color=lightgrey; {World -> Continent -> Nation -> Region -> State -> CountyWatershed -> City -> Town -> Neighborhood -> {Association Family} -> Individual [label="EV" color=red penwidth=2]} } // subgraph cluster1 {label = "Sources of Health"; node [style=filled];style=filled; color=white; SocialServices -> EnvironmentalSafety -> Mobility -> SocialInteraction -> Curosity -> EducationalAttainment -> ParksTrailsPaths -> PreventionProtection -> HealthyFoodDietAtHome -> OTCDrugs -> DentalCare -> Nutrition -> AlternativeMedicine -> TrafficSafety -> HomeSafety -> RollBalance -> MentalHealth; color="#00c3ff" } // subgraph cluster2 {label = "Healthy Systems" node [style=filled, color=azure]; style=filled; color=yellow; HealthyIndividual -> HealthyFamily -> HealthyNeighborhood -> HealthyTown -> HealthyCity -> HealthyCountyWaterShed -> HealthyState -> HealthyRegion -> HealthyNation -> HealthyContinent -> HealthyWorld; } // subgraph cluster5 {label = "MedicalSystemComponents"; node [style=filled, color=aquamarine]; style=filled; color=lightgrey; DME -> Robotics -> RxDrugs -> ProcedureSurgery -> CommunicationTech -> Sensors -> Facilities -> Skills } // subgraph cluster3 {label = "Sick Systems" node [style=filled, color=azure]; style=filled; color=pink; IllIndividual -> IllFamily -> IllNeighborhood -> IllTown -> IllCity -> IllCountyWaterShed -> IllState -> IllRegion -> IllNation -> IllContinent -> IllWorld; } // subgraph cluster4 {label = "Sources of Dis-ease" node [style=filled, color=bisque]; style=filled; color=red; Misinformation -> Racism -> Poverty -> Fear -> LowEducationalAttainment -> Conflict -> Greed -> NeoliberalEconomicsRichGetRicher -> Enclosure ; label = "Sources of Dis-ease"} //start -> EnvironmentalSafety //start -> HealthyIndividual; //start -> Individual //start -> IllIndividual; //start -> Misinformation // HealthyWorld -> end // World -> end // IllWorld -> end //start [shape = Mdiamond] // end [shape=Msquare] // subgraph cluster6 {label = "Security System" Insurance -> HouseholdSecurity -> NeighborhoodWatch -> TownPolice -> CityPolice -> CountySheriff ->StatePolice -> NationalGuard -> NationalMilitary -> WorldPolice} // subgraph cluster7 {label = "PubHealth System" {NeighborhoodCommHealthWorkerCoord -> CityPublicHealth -> CountyPublicHealth -> StatePublicHealth -> NationalPublicHealth ->WorldPublicHealth [label = EV]}} // subgraph cluster8 {label = "Economic System" {HomeEconomics -> NeighborhoodEconomicSystem -> CityEconomicSystem -> CountyEconomicSystem -> RegionEconomicSystem -> StateEconomicSystem -> NationalEconomicSystem -> WorldEconomicSystem [label = EV]}} // subgraph cluster9 {label = "Finance System" {NeighborhoodFinanceSystem -> CountyFinanceSystem -> StateFinanceSystem -> NationalFinanceSystem -> WorldFinanceSystem [label = EV]}} // subgraph cluster10 {label = "Court System" {MunicipalCourt -> CountyCourt-> StateCourt -> FederalCourt -> SupremeCourt -> WorldCourt [label = EV]}} // subgraph cluster11 {label = "Food System" {HouseholdGardens -> CommunityGardens -> Farms -> Markets -> GroceryStores [label = EV]}} // subgraph cluster12 {label = "Medical Care" {MotherHealthRole -> HomeFirstAid -> NeighborhoodCommHealthWorker -> EMS -> Pharmacies -> Clinic -> Hospital -> TirtiaryCare -> QuaternaryCare [label = EV]}} // subgraph cluster13 {label = "Safe Behaviors" SafeSex -> Food -> Drugs -> Noise -> Kenetic-> Social-> Thought-> Online } // subgraph cluster14 {label = "Land Use" {Forests -> Commons -> Homesteads -> Aggriculture -> Recreation -> Roads -> CommercialLand [label = EV]}} // subgraph cluster15 {label = "Energy" {Nuclear -> Electromagnetic -> Heat -> Chemical ->Kinetic -> Electric -> Ionizing [label = EV]} } // subgraph cluster16 {label = "Polution" {IndividualPolution -> HouseholdPolution -> NeighborhoodPolution -> TownPolution -> CityPolution -> CountyPolution -> StatePolution -> RegionalPolution -> NationalPolution -> WorldPolution [label = EV]}} // subgraph cluster17 {label = "Finance System" { Gifts -> Exchange -> Barter -> Currency -> Equity -> LoansDebt [label = EV]}} // subgraph cluster18 {label = "Economic System" Demand -> Production -> Use -> Surplus -> Market} // Individual -> {Online Social Kinetic Noise Drugs Mobility EducationalAttainment Curosity Online IndividualPolution ParksTrailsPaths SafeSex Food} [color=Red] // Family -> {Online Social Kinetic Noise Drugs Food MotherHealthRole HomeEconomics HouseholdGardens HouseholdPolution HouseholdSecurity ParksTrailsPaths} [color=Blue] // Neighborhood -> {Social Kinetic Noise Drugs NeighborhoodEconomicSystem Food NeighborhoodFinanceSystem CommunityGardens Clinic Pharmacies NeighborhoodPolution GroceryStores NeighborhoodWatch} [color=green] // Town -> {Social Hospital TownPolution TownPolice} [color=orange] // City -> {Social Kinetic CityPublicHealth TirtiaryCare CityPolution MunicipalCourt CityPolice} [color=orchid1] // CountyWatershed -> {Social CountyPublicHealth CountyEconomicSystem CountyFinanceSystem Farms CountySheriff CountyCourt CountyPolution} // State -> {Kinetic StatePublicHealth StateEconomicSystem StatePolution StateFinanceSystem Insurance StatePolice NationalGuard StateCourt} [color=sienna] // Region -> { } [color=slateblue1] // Nation -> {Online Kinetic NationalPublicHealth NationalPolution NationalEconomicSystem NationalFinanceSystem NationalMilitary FederalCourt SupremeCourt} [color=steelblue3] // Continent -> {} [color=tomato] // World -> {WorldFinanceSystem WorldEconomicSystem WorldPublicHealth WorldCourt WorldPolice WorldPolution} [color=turquoise3] }

DOT strict digraph rankdir=LR node [shape=box style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=lightyellow penwidth=3 color=black] HERE NODE node [style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] edge [style=solid penwidth=1 color=black] BACKLINKS NODE -> HERE node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=1 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=1 color=grey] HERE BACKLINKS NODE -> HERE STATIC strict digraph {rankdir=LR node [shape=box style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=lightyellow penwidth=3 color=black]