Experimenting with Tetrahedrons

These tetrahedrons are graphs that each contain the same four nodes and the same twelve relationships (edges). One can potentially and usefully model any social system as being built up from these specified tetrahedrons. So long as any specified tetrahedron shares a node with another tetrahedron they connect. When they have two or three shared nodes they reinforce one another, something akin to a Buckyball.

Go to Tetrahedron Subgraphs and play with your ideals, organizations, actions, and associates.

This basic four node, twelve edge, tetrahedron model with Person in the center, is a simple, friendly and useful way to explore small parts of social systems.


The model can be positioned with the Ideals in the center. This aids explorations of ethical systems.


With Org in the central position one can reframe much of the thinking about organizations by including the potential to integrate Ideals into our strategies and actions.


With Action in the center, program and project managers can explore the role of ethics in motivating their teams.

DOT strict digraph rankdir=LR node [shape=box style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=lightyellow penwidth=3 color=red] HERE NODE node [style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=white penwidth=3 color=blue] edge [style=solid penwidth=1 color=black] BACKLINKS NODE -> HERE node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=6 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=4 color=grey] HERE BACKLINKS NODE -> HERE STATIC strict digraph {rankdir=LR node [shape=box style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=lightyellow penwidth=3 color=red] "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" node [style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=white penwidth=3 color=blue] edge [style=solid penwidth=1 color=black] "Image Label Survey" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Item Type Survey" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Person Centered Tetrahedron" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Pierson's Tetrahedron" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Simplified Tetrahedron" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Social Network Structuring" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Useful Models" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Social Action Tetrahedron" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Optimum Sequence Tetrahedron" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=6 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=4 color=grey] "Image Label Survey Probe" -> "Image Label Survey" "Search for 'coop'" -> "Image Label Survey" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Image Label Survey" "Search for 'coop'" -> "Search for 'neighborhood'" "Search for 'Illustration'" -> "Search for 'neighborhood'" "Search for 'institution'" -> "Search for 'neighborhood'" node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=6 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=4 color=grey] "Item Type Survey" -> "Item Type Survey" "Item Type Survey Probe" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'coop'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'institution'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Item Type Survey" -> "Item Type Survey" "Item Type Survey Probe" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'coop'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'institution'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Catalog of Survey Probes" -> "Item Type Survey Probe" "Item Type Survey" -> "Item Type Survey Probe" "Search for 'coop'" -> "Search for 'neighborhood'" "Search for 'Illustration'" -> "Search for 'neighborhood'" "Search for 'institution'" -> "Search for 'neighborhood'" node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=6 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=4 color=grey] "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" -> "Person Centered Tetrahedron" "Image Label Survey" -> "Person Centered Tetrahedron" "Item Type Survey" -> "Person Centered Tetrahedron" "Org" -> "Person Centered Tetrahedron" "System Transformation" -> "Person Centered Tetrahedron" "ReLocalize PATTERN INDEX" -> "Person Centered Tetrahedron" "Image Label Survey" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Item Type Survey" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Person Centered Tetrahedron" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Pierson's Tetrahedron" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Simplified Tetrahedron" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Social Network Structuring" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Useful Models" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Social Action Tetrahedron" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Optimum Sequence Tetrahedron" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Image Label Survey Probe" -> "Image Label Survey" "Search for 'coop'" -> "Image Label Survey" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Image Label Survey" "Item Type Survey" -> "Item Type Survey" "Item Type Survey Probe" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'coop'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'institution'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Ideal" -> "Org" "Item Type Survey" -> "Org" "Item Type Survey" -> "System Transformation" "Search for 'conversation'" -> "System Transformation" "Search for 'coop'" -> "ReLocalize PATTERN INDEX" "Welcome Visitors" -> "ReLocalize PATTERN INDEX" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "ReLocalize PATTERN INDEX" node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=6 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=4 color=grey] "Catalog of Useful Schema" -> "Pierson's Tetrahedron" "Frame Script Survey" -> "Pierson's Tetrahedron" "Image Label Survey" -> "Pierson's Tetrahedron" "Item Type Survey" -> "Pierson's Tetrahedron" "Item Type Survey" -> "Catalog of Useful Schema" "Jerry's Curating Experience" -> "Catalog of Useful Schema" "Journal Fork Survey" -> "Catalog of Useful Schema" "Knowledge" -> "Catalog of Useful Schema" "Item Type Survey" -> "Frame Script Survey" "Image Label Survey Probe" -> "Image Label Survey" "Search for 'coop'" -> "Image Label Survey" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Image Label Survey" "Item Type Survey" -> "Item Type Survey" "Item Type Survey Probe" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'coop'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'institution'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Item Type Survey" node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=6 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=4 color=grey] "IAD" -> "Simplified Tetrahedron" "Image Label Survey" -> "Simplified Tetrahedron" "Item Type Survey" -> "Simplified Tetrahedron" "System of Ideals" -> "Simplified Tetrahedron" "Tetrahedron +++" -> "Simplified Tetrahedron" "ReLocalize PATTERN INDEX" -> "Simplified Tetrahedron" "Favorite Models" -> "Simplified Tetrahedron" "Search for 'conversation'" -> "Simplified Tetrahedron" "Social Action Tetrahedron" -> "Simplified Tetrahedron" "Tetrahedron Causal Loop Model" -> "Simplified Tetrahedron" "Image Label Survey" -> "IAD" "Integrating IAD, Neighborhood Schema, Collective Action Theory" -> "IAD" "Item Type Survey" -> "IAD" "Journal Fork Survey" -> "IAD" "MarcPierson" -> "IAD" "Rules in Use" -> "IAD" "Sofi VSM Linkage Integration" -> "IAD" "Trust to Cooperate" -> "IAD" "Search for 'coop'" -> "IAD" "Search for 'institution'" -> "IAD" "Collective Action, Ostrom" -> "IAD" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "IAD" "Useful Models" -> "IAD" "Image Label Survey Probe" -> "Image Label Survey" "Search for 'coop'" -> "Image Label Survey" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Image Label Survey" "Item Type Survey" -> "Item Type Survey" "Item Type Survey Probe" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'coop'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'institution'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Ideals" -> "System of Ideals" "Image Label Survey" -> "System of Ideals" "See the Systems" -> "System of Ideals" "Frame Script Survey" -> "Tetrahedron +++" "Image Label Survey" -> "Tetrahedron +++" "Item Type Survey" -> "Tetrahedron +++" "Models for Seeing Systems" -> "Tetrahedron +++" "Simplified Tetrahedron" -> "Tetrahedron +++" "System of Ideals" -> "Tetrahedron +++" "AIC Plus 12 Relationships" -> "Tetrahedron +++" "Search for 'conversation'" -> "Tetrahedron +++" "Social Action Tetrahedron" -> "Tetrahedron +++" "Tetrahedron Expanding" -> "Tetrahedron +++" "Search for 'coop'" -> "ReLocalize PATTERN INDEX" "Welcome Visitors" -> "ReLocalize PATTERN INDEX" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "ReLocalize PATTERN INDEX" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Favorite Models" "Search for 'coop'" -> "Search for 'conversation'" "Search for 'institution'" -> "Search for 'conversation'" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Search for 'conversation'" "Trash Pages" -> "Search for 'conversation'" "Models for Seeing Systems" -> "Social Action Tetrahedron" node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=6 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=4 color=grey] "Ideals vs. Ideologies" -> "Social Network Structuring" "Image Label Survey" -> "Social Network Structuring" "Item Type Survey" -> "Social Network Structuring" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Social Network Structuring" "Frame Script Survey" -> "Ideals vs. Ideologies" "Item Type Survey" -> "Ideals vs. Ideologies" "Social Network Structuring" -> "Ideals vs. Ideologies" "Search for 'coop'" -> "Ideals vs. Ideologies" "Image Label Survey Probe" -> "Image Label Survey" "Search for 'coop'" -> "Image Label Survey" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Image Label Survey" "Item Type Survey" -> "Item Type Survey" "Item Type Survey Probe" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'coop'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'institution'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'coop'" -> "Search for 'neighborhood'" "Search for 'Illustration'" -> "Search for 'neighborhood'" "Search for 'institution'" -> "Search for 'neighborhood'" node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=6 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=4 color=grey] "Item Type Survey" -> "Useful Models" "Farm Wiki" -> "Useful Models" "Item Type Survey" -> "Item Type Survey" "Item Type Survey Probe" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'coop'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'institution'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Farm Wiki Overview" -> "Farm Wiki" "Search for 'conversation'" -> "Farm Wiki" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Farm Wiki" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Farm Wiki" node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=6 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=4 color=grey] "Frame Script Survey" -> "Welcome Visitors" "Goal 5: Gender equality" -> "Welcome Visitors" "Item Type Survey" -> "Welcome Visitors" "More More More Telling Field Guide to the Federation" -> "Welcome Visitors" "Personal Journal" -> "Welcome Visitors" "Review Changes" -> "Welcome Visitors" "Sustainable Development" -> "Welcome Visitors" "Test Roster List" -> "Welcome Visitors" "You're New Here" -> "Welcome Visitors" "Search for 'coop'" -> "Welcome Visitors" "Knowledge" -> "Welcome Visitors" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Welcome Visitors" "Olaf Brugman" -> "Welcome Visitors" "Olaf's Log" -> "Welcome Visitors" "Projects" -> "Welcome Visitors" "Item Type Survey" -> "Frame Script Survey" "Global Goals" -> "Goal 5: Gender equality" "Goal 4: Quality education" -> "Goal 5: Gender equality" "Item Type Survey" -> "Goal 5: Gender equality" "Journal Fork Survey" -> "Goal 5: Gender equality" "Sustainable Development Goals" -> "Goal 5: Gender equality" "UN Sustainable Development Goals" -> "Goal 5: Gender equality" "Item Type Survey" -> "Item Type Survey" "Item Type Survey Probe" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'coop'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'institution'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Frame Script Survey" -> "More More More Telling Field Guide to the Federation" "Item Type Survey" -> "More More More Telling Field Guide to the Federation" "Search for 'conversation'" -> "More More More Telling Field Guide to the Federation" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "More More More Telling Field Guide to the Federation" "Item Type Survey" -> "Personal Journal" "Search for 'coop'" -> "Personal Journal" "How To Wiki" -> "Review Changes" "Item Type Survey" -> "Review Changes" "More More More Telling Field Guide to the Federation" -> "Review Changes" "Development" -> "Sustainable Development" "Guide List to Sustainable Development" -> "Sustainable Development" "Item Type Survey" -> "Sustainable Development" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Sustainable Development" "Education for Sustainability" -> "Sustainable Development" "Human Wisdom" -> "Sustainable Development" "Knowledge and Complexity" -> "Sustainable Development" "Methods" -> "Sustainable Development" "Olaf Brugman" -> "Sustainable Development" "Patterns of Organizational Sustainability Policy" -> "Sustainable Development" "Sustainability at the planetary level" -> "Sustainable Development" "The Politics of Sustainability" -> "Sustainable Development" "Values and Principles" -> "Sustainable Development" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Sustainable Development" "Item Type Survey" -> "Test Roster List" "Item Type Survey" -> "You're New Here" "More More More Telling Field Guide to the Federation" -> "You're New Here" "Field Guide to the Federation" -> "You're New Here" "Buurtzorg" -> "Knowledge" "make commoning work" -> "Knowledge" "Wabi-sabi" -> "Knowledge" "Truth (Ecology)" -> "Knowledge" "Ecological Lineage of Mind" -> "Knowledge" "Green Software Development" -> "Knowledge" "Human Wisdom" -> "Knowledge" "Knowledge and Complexity" -> "Knowledge" "Knowledge Commons" -> "Knowledge" "knowledge tools" -> "Knowledge" "Olaf Brugman" -> "Knowledge" "PATTERNS" -> "Knowledge" "Patterns of Organization" -> "Knowledge" "Selected Graphs Merged" -> "Knowledge" "Standards and Knowledge" -> "Knowledge" "Story to Graph" -> "Knowledge" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Knowledge" "Search for 'coop'" -> "Search for 'neighborhood'" "Search for 'Illustration'" -> "Search for 'neighborhood'" "Search for 'institution'" -> "Search for 'neighborhood'" "A Viability Group" -> "Olaf Brugman" "Social System Theory" -> "Olaf Brugman" "Active Journal 2022" -> "Olaf Brugman" "Cycles in Systems" -> "Olaf Brugman" "My Frequent Tools Page" -> "Olaf Brugman" "Pentahedron" -> "Olaf Brugman" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Olaf Brugman" "Item Type Survey" -> "Projects" "Projects as Neighborliness" -> "Projects" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Projects" node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=6 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=4 color=grey] node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=6 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=4 color=grey] "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" -> "Optimum Sequence Tetrahedron" "Image Label Survey" -> "Optimum Sequence Tetrahedron" "Item Type Survey" -> "Optimum Sequence Tetrahedron" "Person Centered Tetrahedron" -> "Optimum Sequence Tetrahedron" "ReLocalize PATTERN INDEX" -> "Optimum Sequence Tetrahedron" "People Ideals Orgs Actions" -> "Optimum Sequence Tetrahedron" "Image Label Survey" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Item Type Survey" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Person Centered Tetrahedron" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Pierson's Tetrahedron" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Simplified Tetrahedron" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Social Network Structuring" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Useful Models" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Social Action Tetrahedron" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Optimum Sequence Tetrahedron" -> "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" "Image Label Survey Probe" -> "Image Label Survey" "Search for 'coop'" -> "Image Label Survey" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Image Label Survey" "Item Type Survey" -> "Item Type Survey" "Item Type Survey Probe" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'coop'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'institution'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Experimenting with Tetrahedrons" -> "Person Centered Tetrahedron" "Image Label Survey" -> "Person Centered Tetrahedron" "Item Type Survey" -> "Person Centered Tetrahedron" "Org" -> "Person Centered Tetrahedron" "System Transformation" -> "Person Centered Tetrahedron" "ReLocalize PATTERN INDEX" -> "Person Centered Tetrahedron" "Search for 'coop'" -> "ReLocalize PATTERN INDEX" "Welcome Visitors" -> "ReLocalize PATTERN INDEX" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "ReLocalize PATTERN INDEX" "INDEX" -> "People Ideals Orgs Actions" "People Ideals Orgs Act Sketch" -> "People Ideals Orgs Actions"}