Value added by **nature** is far greater than the value added by humans. Anthony has an accounting system that included nature's contribution.
It is the **social system** that relates to the **ecosystem** not the economy.
We are moving away from the **capitalist system** into something else.
A human **right to income** is become common thinking.
The **accounting system** will help. **Funds** must be maintained, replenished at the rate of its consumption. We must be stewards of the fund.
We must rethink what ...
The **sun** has always been our true god, even though we have worshiped idols and other gods for too long much to our collective detriment.
**Finance** is an extremely abstract concept--a way of controlling value and the economy. We do not "own" the earth. It is a strange idea when you think of it. We need to explore the concept and implications of "Ownership" and "Property" and "Rights". We need to go back to a much more primitive view of what currency is about.
Local princes minted their own coins. We might learn something form this. The value as understood in a tribe or region.
Today the token (a stand-in for currency?) is disconnected from local actual value.
In the Russian revolution, when private property was outlawed they were left with the question, how do you value things. **Value of Abstract Things** was foreign to them e.g. services have no value! Only **Tangible Things** "create" value. The planning system could not work. It imploded. It could not make a decent pair of shoes. They couldn't deal with the consumer. They could do big projects.
Anthony thinks that Howard is taking currency back from national to local relevance. People know that **Real Value** comes from experiences, not just stuff.
John Stewart Mill pointed out that we already are **producing too much**. Read chapter "Stationary States" written in 1848.