Create Subgraphs


# Feature Requests for Create Subgraphs * [ ] Enter multiple items in same field. E.g. enter multiple Ideals, Multiple Orgs, Multiple People, Multiple Actions * [ ] Look up for existing Ideals, Orgs, People, Action * [ ] Prevent "empty" fields from being exported in json that is to be uploaded * [ ] Sort graph output (aggregate) by Ideal, Org, Action, Person * [ ] Mouse over on Composite Graphs to reveal metadata * [ ] Ability to view Graphviz output in Dot, Circo, and Neato * [ ] Update schema relationship label names * [ ] Ability to correct misspellings or misnamings after initial data input * [ ] Have download file name NOT be the name of Person, Ideal, Org, or Action as this forces suffixes that keep same item from merging. * [ ] Integrate FedWiki pages created from Composite Graphs into the PGD--meaning that the content metadata shows up when the page is created from the graph and in my wildest dreams have the PGD accept changes from the page back into the PGD. If only one part of the page is synched and another part is a "document" then we have a PGD and a Document DB completely in sync. A non-technologists dream. * [ ] Add Programs, Processes, Processes, Products, Services to ACTION * [ ] Ability to delete information prior to downloading graph * [ ] * [ ] * [ ]


Community organized for action. HEIGHT 200

strict digraph { rankdir=LR node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=palegreen] 0 [label="Person Ward" tooltip="name: Ward address: background: "] 1 [label="Org Wiki" tooltip="name: Wiki address: scope: "] 2 [label="Action Publication" tooltip="name: Publication scope: success: "] 3 [label="Ideal Sharing" tooltip="name: Sharing scope: success: "] 0 -> 1 [label="Serves"] 1 -> 2 [label="Facilitates"] 2 -> 3 [label="Serves"]}



From the community schema we construct this neighborhood graph using local code and Graphviz .

# To visualize and summate graphs created with this tool use Composite Graph. Composite Graph looks left for files with .graph.json suffix and provides the option to merge any and all of such graph files.


# We try schema based input forms. Choose a node type to get started. github