digraph { layout=dot rankdir=BT overlap=false concentrate=false //bgcolor=lightblue // splines=" " node [shape=box style=rounded] label="\n\nMaking Sense of Chaos" 0 [label="One Place\nOne System"] 1 [label="One Graph"] 2 [label="Many Subgraphs"] 3 [label="One Map"] 4 [label="Many Maplets"] 5 [label="Many People"] 6 [label="Few Ideals"][color=blue penwidth=2] 7 [label="Beauty"] 8 [label="Good"] 9 [label="Truth"] 10 [label="Economy"] 11 [label="Many Values"][color=blue penwidth=2] 12 [label="Groups"] 13 [label="Goals"][color=blue penwidth=2] 14 [label="Fewer Projects"] 15 [label="Results"] 16 [label="Action"][color=blue penwidth=2] 0->1 0->3 //1->5 1->2 2->5 //1->3 4->5 3->4 //3->5 //5->4 5->6 [color=red, penwidth=3] 6->7 6->8 6->9 6->10 6->12[color=red, penwidth=3] 5->11[color=red, penwidth=3] 11->12[color=red, penwidth=3] 12->13 13->14 //12->14 14->16 16->15 }
Topo Map of Columbia Valley, Whatcom County, WA Tiles © Esri — Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, iPC, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community LINEUP 48.9423783, -122.1435821
We would expect here a few words describing the most exceptional identifying properties of each city.
Air Quality
Clean Water
Animal Habitat
Animal Habitat
Plentiful Housing
Plentiful Housing
Job Opportunities
Job Opportunities
Stable Growth
Stable Growth
Educated Population
Educated Population
Public Art
Public Art
Active Democracy
Active Democracy
Visitor Friendly
Visitor Friendly
See Radar Chart
Shift-double-click to locate city. 48.9406, -122.144
See Street Map or Aerial Map or Topo Map tiles.
digraph { layout=dot rankdir=BT overlap=false concentrate=false //bgcolor=lightblue // splines=" " node [shape=box style=rounded] label="Making Sense of Chaos" 0 [label="One Place\nOne System"] 1 [label="One Graph"] 2 [label="Many Subgraphs"] 3 [label="One Map"] 4 [label="Many Maplets"] 5 [label="Many People"] 6 [label="Few Ideals"] 7 [label="Beauty"] 8 [label="Good"] 9 [label="Truth"] 10 [label="Economy"] 11 [label="Many Values"] 12 [label="Few Groups"] 13 [label="Goals"] 14 [label="Fewer Projects"] 15 [label="Results"] 0->1 0->3 //1->5 1->2 2->5 //1->3 4->5 3->4 //3->5 //5->4 5->6 6->7 6->8 6->9 6->10 5->11 11->12 12->13 13->14 //12->14 14->15 "One Map" -> "Many Maplets" "One Map" -> "Many People" -> {"Few Ideals" "Many Values" } "Many People" "One Graph" -> {"Many Subgraphs" "One Map" "Many People"} "Few Ideals" -> {Beauty Good Truth Economy} "Many Values" "Few Goals" "Fewer Projects" -> Results "Many Values" -> Groups Groups -> {"Few Goals" "Fewer Projects"} }