Can everyone please name one thoughtful academic whose work is undersung, and whose research could be better supported? ... Most inspiring scholar this week is Max Liboiron who runs a Lab in Newfoundland based on Indigenous principles. It works for people, for research, for the local community, for the environment. twitter site
Interview: Pollution is Colonialism: the straight-to-the-point title of a brand new book by Max Liboiron, Assistant Professor of Geography and Associate Vice-President of Indigenous Research at Memorial University, as well as the Director of CLEAR, or Civic Laboratory for Environmental Action Research. part-1 part-2
YOUTUBE ETnPiGNXw34 Published Dec 28, 2020.
Aim to do research with humility, accountability, equity, and in good land relations.
The question is: how? page
A list of different do-it-yourself microscope designs. The ubiquitous tool in science. page
How do we assign author order in a way that is humble, equitable, and accountable to the different types of labour that go into collaborative publications? page
“It’s how you go about things, that’s where goodness comes out of.” page