Whisp: Add core beliefs and core principles here for reference.
Wikimedia Strategy page Webpage has a fantastic set of principles.
1 People-Centeredness
2 Safety & Security
3 Inclusivity & Participatory Decision-Making
4 Equity & Empowerment
5 Subsidiarity & Self-Management
6 Contextualization
7 Collaboration & Cooperation
8 Transparency & Accountability
9 Efficiency
10 Resilience
They are missing the Ethical Principles but I will add those here.
Cooperative principles are useful too:
I think that the most powerful thing that a neighborhood can do it to co-create a shared artifact illustrating their view of the whole community and do it in such a way that multiple community members can point at a part or a connection or a path or sequence and know what they are talking about.
I believe that neighborhoods have latent requisite variety to take responsibility and deal with more situations than they currently do. There can be a state change when they use more effective methods and tools to take care of themselves and their locale.
My primary effort is be to Make Self-Organizing Easier.
Make tools and methods that are easier to use than what people are now using. Ease must include every relevant dimension; e.g. financial, cultural, linguistic, technical, etc. Easy Tools and Easy Methods.
Self-organizing Enterprises of Enterprises thrive in the long run.
Make connections between tools and methods that are autocatalytic and happen with available free energy in the neighborhood. Automatic Connections and Catalytic Parts. Inside cells enzymes in organelles further intensify desired connections. The well fitting care room, control room, or Obeya may provide this intensification in neighborhoods.
The driving motivator for working together is to reduce frustrations. Of course there are positive motives, but I have found people more willingly cooperate to remove frustrations that they are willing to cooperate with another person's idea of "positive" activities.
# Tools not Advertisement
When one buys a shovel at the hardware store, no one expects to have the guy who made the shovel move in with it. No one needs a manual to use a shove. It simple fits one’s hands and feet and purpose. Too many supposed tools are underdeveloped so that they require the inventor or the intellectual property owner. There are left incomplete. They are more advertisements for consultants or gurus than there are useful tools.
We must do the work that completely separates us from our designs, that adds to a neighborhood’ s capabilities without any intrusion or distraction or confusion that accompanies an incomplete tool.
A cook may want the aid of a recipe but they seldom want a organic chemist in the kitchen.
# Necessary and Sufficient Conant-Ashby Theorem. The regulatory model of a system must be as complex as the system. Misrepresenting sets of tools and methods is problematic. We should know where the tools and methods are sufficient, not just necessary. That is an interesting challenge. We should at least make it clear what is missing. Models that ensure ethical behavior are almost always missing. See Ethical Systems.
Obey rooms implemented as a set of patterns as a pattern language. Then any obeya room can be projected on to the walls of many rooms set up to accommodate the projection technology.
Provide a framework such that neighborhoods and neighbors can resolve their internal forces and become more alive and lively and life giving. (From A Timeless Way fo Building, p. 120.)