See the System needs practical experience to become useful and used. We understand that beyond initial introduction to system, mentors will be needed and in many case apprenticeships will be needed if the information on systems is to become embodied knowledge.
digraph { //layout=circo graph [label="ReLocalize Creativity\nApprenticeship Program" fontsize=30] //ranksep=.2; //size = "7.5,7.5"; //ratio=1.5 rankdir=TB compound=true //node [shape=circle, fontsize=30] //edge [penwidth=2 fontsize=18] //edge [style=invis] node [width=2 style=filled shape=circle fontcolor=black penwidth=3 fixedsize=true ] overlap=false concentrate=false bgcolor=lightblue penwidth=3 splines="true" node [color=purple] 1 [label="Apprenticeship"][fillcolor=white] 2 [label="Apprentice"][fillcolor=white] 3 [label="Master"][fillcolor=white] 4 [label="Journeyman"][fillcolor=white] 5 [label="Program"][fillcolor=white] 6 [label="Skills"][fillcolor=white] 7 [label="Stakeholders"][fillcolor=white] 8 [label="Results"][fillcolor=white] //9 [label=""][fillcolor=white] //10[label=""][fillcolor=white] //11[label=""][fillcolor=white] //12[label=""][fillcolor=white] //13[label=""][fillcolor=white] //14[label=""][fillcolor=white] 1 -> 2 [penwidth=3][label="Develop"] 1 -> 3 3 -> 6 [label="Demonstrate"] 2 -> 5 2 -> 6 [label="Learn"] 6 -> 5 2 -> 4 [label="Aspire\nto"] 5 -> 7 5 -> 8 }
Apprenticeship is a system for **training** a new generation of practitioners of a trade or profession with **on-the-job training** and often some accompanying study (classroom work and reading). Apprenticeships can also enable practitioners to gain a **license to practice** in a regulated occupation. HEIGHT 400 Wikipedia