We use the term activity to refer to changes or work done in the federation.
# Pod Activity - David Bovill
# Other Activity - Thought Garden Activity
# Activity
- Changes to this Site
- Atopia Activity and Federation Activity
- Peer Activity and Todays Activity
- Drop in to our Fedwiki chat - riot.im
# Tools - Assets Folder - Recycled Pages and Local Changes - Fedwiki Tools
Or drop any web page on the imagine transporter:
POST https://rest.livecode.world/imagine
This transporter compacts reference-items on a page:
POST https://rest.livecode.world/fedwiki/compact_Refs
# Search Other activity pages may be present on this site. You can search for them using the tool below.
TITLE Activity
Or you may want to search this site using the search field at the bottom of the browser window, or use:
# Recent Changes View neighborhood activity in the __last week__ below:
SINCE 1 weeks
# Rosters We can view activity in a number of ways by linking the about activity plugin to a roster.
Proto Institute Members ROSTER rest.livecode.world/proto
Thought Garden Sites ROSTER rest.livecode.world/thought
ROSTER rest.livecode.world/filtered
ROSTER rest.livecode.world/atopia